Chapter 40:

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   As the first light rays of sun began to filter through my curtains I slowly sit in my bed . I sat in the kitchen table, and the comforting routine of breakfast. The toast on my plate was cold, the tea warm, but i ate mechanically, forcing myself to engage in this simple act of nourishment.

   Now I'm in our living room, sitting in my sofa, I just open my book to read, play some music, and re our old pictures. The silence was broken by a knock at my door. I looked up, a flicker of hope and apprehension picturing through me. I stand up from sofa, I moved slowly towards the door, each step echoing in my quiet house. When I opened it, the sight of familiar faces greeted me with a smile in their faces.


    My friends rian and William stood there, concern trace their faces. Rian, with his brown  hair and earnest expression, and William, tall and steady, his gaze full of unspoken support, care and love for us. William had been Liam's closest and childhood friends, and through him, they had become my friends too.

"Hi? I really miss you xi," Rian said gently to me, her voice breaking the morning stillness. "We were worried about you. We thought we’d come by and see how you're doing."

    I managed to make a small smile, I step aside to let them in. "Thank you. I’m... I’m getting by," i said, my voice betraying a hint of the struggle that lay beneath my body and souls.

    William’s eyes scanned my room, taking in the half-eaten breakfast and the slight disarray that suggested a restless night. He nodded, a silent acknowledgment of the effort he was making. "It’s good to see you eating," he said quietly. "Liam would want you to take care of yourself and love yourself as he loves you. "

    I just nodded, swallowing hard against my throat. They are  moved now to my kitchen, the familiar comfort of my friends providing a welcome, if temporary, balm to my grief. They sat around the table, the atmosphere are very quiet. I took another bite of my bread, I forced myself to eat even i don't have any appetite. And I feel the heaviness of the past days begin to lift, even if just a little.

"Do you need anything?" Rian asked me, her voice soft but direct. "We’re here for you, whatever you need."

   I smile and nodded " thank you Rian" she just smile at me. And I shook my head, feeling grateful for their presence. "Just having you here helps," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

    We sit in a comfortable sofa and a silence for a moment, the unspoken bond of shared grief and support weaving  between us. William reached across the table, his hand resting gently on me for a brief moment before pulling back, a gesture of solidarity without intrusion.

"I know it’s hard," he said, "But we’ll get through this. Together. We are here for you Xia. I know Liam loves you and he is there, in every room and every bond, memories, plan and vows that you two share.

    I nodded, I can feel a tear slipping down to mh cheek as I looked at my friends. They couldn’t even fill the space that Liam had left behind, but they were a reminder that i wasn’t alone. They sit together with me through my breakfast, their presence a quiet comfort in the face of an unthinkable love and loss.

   As the morning light grew brighter, illuminating and filling the room with a soft glow, i felt a small spark of hope. It wasn’t much, but for it's okay  to help me  face this day. With friends by my side, i knew i would find the strength to carry on, one step at a time.

Thank you sweetie's. Please support me po and my story.



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