Chapter 136: The Treasure Chest of the Eerie Dock

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Chapter 136: The Treasure Chest of the Eerie Dock


While passing by the first dock, Gu Xi heard the sound of a bowstring being released.

He looked up in the direction of the sound and saw the newly joined Skeleton Archer Leader leading the 29 Skeleton Archers assigned to his team, engaging in long-range attacks against the eerie enemies at the dock.

Looking at the strange ships docked there and the group of coral-covered people trying to disembark, Gu Xi remembered that this was the most troublesome of the three docks.

The Eerie Dock.

It seemed that these coral people were the ones attacking the dock area of Aridowei City this time.

They came here to plunder. Once ashore, they immediately began turning the ground into coral, preparing to charge towards the nearby dock warehouse.

As for the skeleton soldiers originally patrolling here, they were quickly turned into coral by these eerie beings before they could react.

Thus, the number of eerie coral people disembarking from the ship suddenly increased from the original six to eighteen.

If it weren't for the Skeleton Archer Leader receiving the message and bringing people over to deal with the eerie beings, the number of these eerie coral people might have been even greater by now.

As things stood now.

From what Gu Xi could see, the situation was already under control.

The performance of the Skeleton Archer Leader was quite impressive.

His judgment of the battlefield was very accurate, and he had several attack plans. Although he couldn't speak, a single gesture from him would prompt the Skeleton Archers behind him to synchronize different attacks, requiring no precise commands.

What Gu Xi saw was the leader and his team focusing their fire, controlling the range with a rain of arrows, and executing phased three-shot volleys.

These were things Gu Xi couldn't do when commanding the Skeleton Archers.

Under Gu Xi's command, the best he could achieve was directing them who to attack, but the method of attack was left to chance.

But now it was different. Gu Xi saw the Skeleton Archer Leader easily managing everything in front of him.

Those initially arrogant eerie coral people were forcibly suppressed, unable to advance within 150 meters of the Skeleton Archers.

If the Skeleton Archer Leader wasn't still training his subordinates' coordination, he would have already killed all these eerie coral people.

When Gu Xi appeared, the Skeleton Archer Leader immediately perked up, aware that Gu Xi was watching, and wanted to show his capabilities.

So he waved his hand, and the previously stationary Skeleton Archers started to advance.

Their movements and those of the combat squad 1's spearmen skeletons were similar, constantly repeating a set of actions.

Step forward, draw the bow, shoot, reload, and let the rear Skeleton Archers advance.

This wave after wave of attacks was like a tide.

Each time they could take away the lives of two to three coral people. After seven or eight steps, all the coral people were pinned to the dock.

When these coral people were killed, their bodies would quickly shrink, leaving only some differently colored coral behind.

And the eerie ship docked at the pier had already lowered its sails and began to sink into the water.

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