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"She's been busy writing books" said Gregg, "too busy to help out her old mate"

"Oi!" I said laughing, "you never even asked me before" "Honestly" I muttered and rolled my eyes at Ronan.

"Oh you never change do you Alexander?" laughed Ronan. I smiled, nice to see that they got on so well.

We chatted for a while about random stuff and then Ronan became business like. "Right so, Louis said he'll be here later, and the lads will be here" "Erm, maybe tomorrow" he laughed.

"The lads?" I squeaked.

Ronan laughed at my reaction "they don't bite" he said. "'Course not" I muttered, and blushed again, trying not to let him see how much of a fan I was. 

But oh my god, he was so good looking in person. 

Stop it...

"Mikey" I muttered.

"It's Mikey you fancy for god's sake, not Ronan!"

"Mikey..." I thought if I said it enough times I might begin to believe it myself.

"Mike'll be here in about half an hour Vic, the other lads will be an hour"

"Right...ok" I said.

Shit! Had he heard me muttering, or was he just stating a fact.

"I'll get this bit finished then"

"There's no rush Vic" laughed Gregg. 

"Yes there is" I thought to myself, I need to go home before I say or do something completely stupid. Out loud I said "Yeah, but I've had it in my head since earlier, I need to write it down"

It's just that I keep getting distracted by a certain Mr. Keating.

I looked up and found him staring at me with a twinkle in his eye. it was almost as if he could read my thoughts. I blushed and put my head down again and went back trying to rhyme something with hurricane.

"Train" I said suddenly.

"Brilliant Vic" said Gregg understanding immediately. but then we had been working on the chorus since we'd started that morning. 

Shelley and Karen had apparently started work on another song in another room, which I was a little annoyed about as I hadn't had chance to meet them yet, but I'd heard we'd probably go out for a drink when we were a good way through the album, but not yet as we had a few deadlines to meet. 

I sighed to myself, why could I never write anything that didn't require a deadline.. publishers, record companies, they were all the bloody same!!

"Who's getting the train?" asked Ronan. 

"I don't know...." I said absentmindedly. "what?"

"Oh" I said laughing as I realised, "no it rhymes perfectly with hurricane. this first song we're doing" I beckoned him over.

"It's like one step forward, and two steps back, your love is like a hurricane"

"Gregg wrote that one, and I was working on the next one". "We like to take it in turns".

"So I had track, to rhyme with back, and then couldn't think of anything to rhyme with hurricane and then realised that the obvious thing was train..."

He looked at me as if I was crazy, then I realised I was rambling. "Well, it doesn't have to rhyme, but Gregg's a fan of rhyming lyrics aren't you?" I smiled. 

"Yep" he winked at me, "Makes em more memorable"

"what you mean like you're owwwwwwwwwww!" I couldn't resist taking the mick out of him for that one.

When he was front man of the New Radicals their most famous song had had the immortal line "1,2. 1,2,3 Owwwwwww!" in it and it had been a feature on Ronan's first and second albums, in one form or another. I had always joked that you could tell if Gregg had written an artists's song by how many "Owww's" or "1,2,3,4s" there were.

"Shut it" he grinned at me.

Poor Ronan just looked even more confused and I motioned for him to pull up a seat next to me. "Do you want a go?"

"You're just trying to skive" said Gregg. 

"Do you ever shut up?" I asked and stuck my tongue out at him. 

"I'm going to the toilet if you must know"

"I expect you to have finished that by the time I get back" I winked at Ronan and Gregg just shook his fist at me as I left the room laughing.

I Got My Heart On You (Ronan Keating / Michael Graham / Boyzone) Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now