Sixty Six

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The taxi dropped me off at the studio and Kim said she'd come back later to pick me up. "It's ok love. I'll get a lift back with the lads" I said. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah It's fine"

"I'll see you later yeah"

I went into the studio quietly not really knowing what I was going to find, the album was being recorded in no particular order. I made my way quietly to the desk and asked Gregg where Ro was. "He's gone back to the hotel, he said he'd see you later"

"Oh ok"

"Is Mick about?"

Gregg pointed to the sound booth hat Ro usually used where Mick was standing looking bored in between recordings. "Can I borrow him a sec?"


I was about to walk over to the sound booth when he caught my eye. I beckoned him towards me. He stepped out of the sound booth and bent slightly to give me an awkward hug. "You ok?"

"Yeah I need to tell you something. Come with me a sec?"

"You want a coffee?"


We made our way to the canteen and I bought us both a drink as he found a table. I set the drinks on the table and sat nervously across the table from him. "Michael, I..."

"I'm not sure what to say.. but..."

"I'm really, really sorry. But I don't think it's yours, I mean ours.."

"The dates don't add up."

"It's mine and Ro's"

"But that's good news. Isn't it?" he looked at me carefully.

 I nodded. "Of course. I just haven't told him yet"

"Please, don't say anything until I've had chance to speak to him. I wanted to break it to you first"

"I'm sorry Mick"

Vic, don't be sorry" he said taking one of my hands in his and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I think, it's probably for the best..."

"I mean you and Ro are together, and hopefully now, you can stay together"

"Thanks Mike" I said and gave him a hug. "You've been so understanding about all of this"

"That's what friends are for" he smiled as I released him from the hug. I nodded. I left him sitting there deep in thought, and I felt bad for doing so, but I really needed to speak to Ro.

I half contemplated calling Kim, instead I called a taxi back to the hotel and sat nervously chewing my fingernails in the back seat wondering what reaction I was going to get from Ronan.

I paid the taxi driver and made my way slowly up to our floor. I knocked on Ronan's room door and waited impatiently for him to open it. "Vic!" he said delightedly as he saw me. "Are you ok?"

"I am now" he pulled me into a hug.

"Everything's fine" I said as I followed him into the room, "and you.."

"You are going to be a daddy" I said quietly.

"I'm going to be a daddy!? he repeated, then grinned at me delightedly. "You are"

He picked me up and spun me around. "Ro I'm gonna be sick!!" I complained. "Sorry babe"

"I'm just really really happy!!!""

I grinned at him as he set me back down. "Me too"

"I love you Ronan Keating" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"And I love you"

I Got My Heart On You (Ronan Keating / Michael Graham / Boyzone) Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now