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Cameras that only follow you to the point where it's blatant.

It made no difference whether the location was on land or under the sea.

Everything was focused on myself.

Ui-hyeon smiled brightly and turned to the production crew holding the camera.

'I guess this is enough.'

It was because of Seong Ha-eon that the production crew responded to their wishes in the first place.

So, don't hesitate to do it in a place where you can't see it.

Ui-hyeon looked around among the cameras that were annoyingly close to him and was able to find Seong-eon a little lower.

Ui-hyeon's pupils dilated as he immediately approached Seong Ha-on.

For a moment, I even had the illusion that my thinking circuit was paralyzed.

... ... Seong Ha-on was strange.

It seemed like he had lost consciousness, his body was losing all movement, and he was deviating from the set trajectory.

Ui-hyeon stretched out his arms reflexively, but the water pressure placed great restrictions on all these actions.

Ui-hyeon untied the lead belt tied around the waist of a nearby production crew member and snatched it.

The production crew, startled by the sudden action, grabbed the rope tightly and started making hand signals to themselves.

It was a hand signal indicating that it was an emergency and that we had to go up.

Seeing the production crew's faces turn pale, they realized that Seong Ha-on had disappeared.

Rationally speaking, it was right to go upstairs and wait for professional help.


What are you going to do with Seong Ha-on?

The production crew was shocked and rushed towards him, but Ui-hyeon took his hand off the rope.

Perhaps because it belonged to a production crew member with a large physique, the much heavier lead belt caused Ui-hyeon's body to sink at a rapid rate.

And then Seong Ha-on vaguely came into Ui-hyeon's field of vision.

Seong Ha-on was already unable to receive help from breathing equipment.

... ... How long can I last like this?

How many minutes?

No, how many seconds?


I can't let you die.


You won't lose any more.

* * *

As I was about to lose consciousness, a faint voice reached my ears.

[Child, you don't have to worry about your body.]

... ... I couldn't tell whose voice it was.

It wasn't even the voice of a constellation.

In the first place, fragments of memory are a kind of error that even the system cannot understand.

'... ... Then what about that voice?'

It was full of questions.

When the first memory fragment was unlocked, there was a key called understanding.

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