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The situation went exactly the opposite of what I expected.

Late at night, when I wasn't even ready to go out, Seungha Choi spoke to me.

"Brother, you were on the veranda."

"Do you have something to say?"

"It's nothing special. "Are you sleepy?"

"No, I'm not sleepy."

"thank god!"

Seungha Choi continued speaking with a smile.

"I'm hungry. Would you like to go to the convenience store with me?"

The guy added softly.

"It's been a while. Would you like to talk alone?"

* * *

"Mmm, everything looks delicious. Yes?"

"I know."

"These days, convenience store food seems to be really diverse and good. So I don't know what to buy."

"You're good at something."

"... ... ! Is that right? "You just have to buy them all~"

Choi Seung-ha, smiling, chose various foods one by one and placed them on the counter.

Then he sat down on one side of the convenience store, opened a triangle gimbap, and handed it to me.

"But you know."

"... ... ?"

"You've been secretly avoiding me lately, right?"

"Cluck, cluck!"

Why are you saying something like that while eating triangle kimbap?

"You know what? It's really nice to see you eating well these days. In the past, people used to think, 'How can they make a living just by eating that?' But these days, they're more like people, aren't they?"

Just as I was putting a question mark on a somewhat unexpected remark, the guy handed me a drink.

"Eat while drinking. "I'm choking."

"You eat too."

Choi Seung-ha smiled brightly, resting his chin on the table and holding the flower cups with both hands.

"I get full just by watching you eat!"

"Stop talking nonsense and eat."

"Is that so?"

Seungha Choi chuckled and took a sip of his drink.

"Because there are two of us like this, it feels like we were roommates."

"What happens when we see each other every day?"

That was the moment I answered by taking a bite of the triangular gimbap.

Choi Seung-ha smiled slightly and got to the point.

"If I ask Yuha to change rooms, will he say it's okay?"


"You're rejecting me right away like this? "This is a wound~"

As Seungha Choi playfully pretended to cry, I opened my mouth.

"Anyway, I would worry even if you stayed with me all day."

"... ... !"

"If it's a roommate, okay. You can probably stick with me most of the time. however... ... ."

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