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"He is my father's son."

"Who, who... ... ?"

To Cha Yun-jae's question, Han Soo-hyun frowned instead of answering.

On the TV screen that Han Soo-hyun was looking at, Seo Yoo-hyun's face was as big as a door.

"... ... Stand, stand, stand, no way, senior Seo Yu-hyeon?"


"... ... ?"

Cha Yun-jae's pupils began to vibrate like crazy.

"So, is he your older brother?"

"He is your son, not my brother."

Han Soo-hyun, who spit out shocking words one after another, nodded with a look on her face as if it was no big deal.

"The last name is different. Mr. Han, Mr. Seo."

"... ... Uh, um."

The members began to blurt out their words at the same time with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what to answer.

For those who do not know Han Soo-hyun's family circumstances, the fact that they have the same father but different surnames can be confusing.


Now I finally understand the strange attitude Seo Yoo-hyun showed on set.

Was it from the person who waited for Han Soo-hyun?

If I had to guess... ... The atmosphere at home doesn't seem to be normal.

You may not know it, but there may be a reason why Han Soo-hyun is obsessed with the keyword family.

And one more thing.

This guy really hates Seo Yu-hyeon.


Even as Seo Yoo-hyeon's lines are being spoken, aren't the eyebrows still furrowed?

The face is 180 degrees different from when we came out.

As I continued to think briefly, I looked away from Han Su-hyun.

what... ... If it was a type of trauma, I would have tried to dig into it and provide emotional help, but for Han Soo-hyun, I don't know.

It's just because I feel like I don't want to look at Seo Yu-hyeon.

It seemed like there was no need to get involved.

However, Cha Yun-jae must have been seriously surprised and was astonished as to why he kept it a secret until now.

And Han Soo-hyun slightly tilted his head and answered.

"I didn't really hide it. If you had asked, I would have told you. "More than anything, my brothers are my family now."

Since the person concerned said nothing was wrong, the atmosphere began to calm down.

And after a while.

When Seo Yoo-hyun appeared again on the screen where the female protagonist had been appearing for a while, Han Soo-hyun clicked her tongue and held the remote control in her hand.

"Now that the part with the brothers has passed, can I change the channel?"


You seem to really dislike it.

* * *

Kwak Deok-bae, who was walking in the warm sunlight, stopped.

"... ... "Huh?"

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