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The production team was literally on high alert when 'The Golden Emperor' was eliminated.

Who is he?

Cho Seong-yeon, a top ballad singer who is greatly loved by the public for her outstanding skills and warm face.

Since he is a person who has nothing to regret, he has repeatedly turned down invitations to appear in <The Singer in the Mask>.

However, after persistent persuasion from the writers, Jo Seong-yeon decided to appear, and the production crew who succeeded in casting him burst into celebration.

Because they were sure that Cho Seong-yeon would take the throne at least twice!

- Championship? Hmm, first of all, of course it will be Jo Seong-yeon in the first room.

... ... Even Park Soo-jin, who strongly insisted on casting Seong Ha-on!

"Damn, I didn't know it would be like this~"

Park Soo-jin was screaming with his head against the wall.

Does Seong Ha-on sing well?

I knew it!

I guess they didn't include a casting call!


... ... You didn't expect to win like this, did you?

"Ha ha ha ha ha... ... ."

Park Soo-jin swept up her hair with a straight face.

And I came to one conclusion.

"It's done."

Of course, it was a common opinion that we made the invitation, so we can't criticize it outright... ... Eyes will be focused on you who recommended it first.

'It's a hundred percent, this is a hundred percent.'

Even if you don't get scolded, it's a sure thing!

Just by looking at the distant faces of the production crew facing the result of Seong Ha-on winning, they could see what the future would bring for them.

It was that moment.

The main producer of the program tapped Park Soo-jin on the shoulder!

"Huh, PD!"

"surprised? Writer Park."

"No, no..." ... Uh, why am I... ... ?"

"No, it's nothing special."

Are you here to pay attention by providing a direct service?

Yes, it would be better to get hit first... ... .

It was a moment when Park Soo-jin, who shed tears internally, showed some determination.

"Good job."

Kim Chan-seok gave a thumbs up and continued.

"Author Park has a good eye."

"... ... !"

Park Soo-jin, who had her head down, slowly raised her gaze.

And Park Soo-jin meets him.

Kim Chan-seok is staring at the stage where a colorful fanfare is exploding as the winner is revealed.

His gaze was precisely on the Northern Grand Duke of the Ice Castle.

So, it was directed at Seong Ha-on.


Unlike the other production crews who looked distant at Seong Ha-on's win and Jo Seong-yeon's elimination... ... .

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