21-Sippin' Some White Wine Out The Bottle

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**Reneé POV**

"I'll see you Monday, okay?"

"Yep, I'll be here to pick you up" Claire says to me as she hands me my backpack from the backseat of her car. I put it on quickly before pulling her in for a long hug.

"I love you, baby" I say as I kiss her repeatedly on the lips.

"I love you more, Reneé" she replies between kisses. I pull away, giving her one last kiss before walking off to get on the plane. I haven't been away from her in this long in a few months now, we practically spend every second together. I've had a few work things here and there but she always finds a way to get off work and come with me. I turn around and give her one final wave before I walk onto the jet bridge. She blows me a kiss, I am obsessed with her. I really hope Towa doesn't pull anything this weekend.


After a long day of writing, we had ordered some pizza to be delivered and we were now on our 4th bottle of wine for the evening. It's only night one and I am already missing Claire. I wish I was at her apartment, sleeping in her bed. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely having fun and we got a lot of work done. But, now that I am slightly intoxicated, all I can think about is my fucking girlfriend.

"Another glass?" Alex asks us, holding up the bottle of white wine we have been sipping on.

"Yes, sir" Towa says, handing her empty glass to him. Alex and I exchange an understanding glance.

"This will be your last" Alex tells her with a smirk, she is so fucking drunk.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed, I kind of have a headache and I'm pretty fucked up" I say, lying about the headache part. I just can't stand to be around Towa when she gets this drunk. I put my glass in the sink and head upstairs.

"Goodnight guys" I call out to them from the top of the stairs as I stumble into my bedroom. I sit on the bed and call Claire.

"Hi honey" she answers.

"Hi baby, what are you doing?" I ask. It's so nice to hear her voice.

"Nothing really, Jane and I are watching a movie. What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just getting ready for to go to bed" I mutter, hoping she can't tell I have been drinking. She doesn't care if I drink but I know it will make her nervous, knowing Towa is here.

"Are you drunk baby?" she asks, giggling. Fuck.

"No, I only had a few couple glasses of wine" I assure her, lying through my teeth.

"Oh, it sounded like you slurred your words there a minute ago. Did you guys get a lot done today?"

"Oh..no I'm not that drunk, maybe just a little bit drunk" I start "but we did get a lot done today, I can't wait to show you what we've been working on" 

"I can't wait to hear it. I'm glad you're having fun honey, don't drink too much okay?" she warns.

"I won't...I miss you"

"I miss you too, I can't wait for you to come home" she says. Home? Does she mean her place? Is that my home now?

"Me too baby. I'm gonna go to sleep now but I just wanted to call and tell you goodnight" I tell her.

"Goodnight babe. Call me in the morning?"

"Yes, I will do that. Goodnight baby I love you"

"I love you more" she assures me. She always says I love you more but I don't think that's possible, I don't think there is any way she could love me more. 

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