35-You'd Want It Every Anniversary

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**Claire POV**

We arrived in Denver last night just after midnight. Reneé filmed all day yesterday from 8 to 6 to try and make up some of the time we'd be gone this week. She slept the whole flight, I don't think I've ever seen her more exhausted than she was yesterday. She was irritable too, so when we arrived at the AirBNB and she wanted to go to sleep, I wasn't going to argue with her.

Today is our one year anniversary. Although I am a little stressed about missing work, I am so happy to be spending today alone with her. She booked us a quaint little cabin in the mountains, where we will spend the next few days together, just the two of us. I truly could not ask for more, I love this woman.

I hear the comforter ruffle on her side of the bed, letting me know she's finally awake. I turn myself over to face her, we smile at each other as we snuggle up together. She's so fucking pretty in the morning, I don't think I will ever get over it.

"Happy anniversary, baby" Reneé smiles at me, pressing her forehead against mine while we are tangled up together under the covers. The Colorado sun shines brightly into the room, casting a warm glow on her skin, I just want to lay here and look at her. She is perfect, she is glowing, she's all mine.

"I can't believe it's been a year already" I admit, thinking about the last 365 days we've spent together.

This has been somehow the worst and best year of my life. To be honest, I think I've cried more this year than I did when my father passed away. But, I've also loved and been loved harder than I ever have in my life. There's good and there's bad, but the intense connection that Reneé and I share is something I don't think I'll ever find with anyone else. Regardless of all the bad that has happened between us, I truly wouldn't change it for the world. Being loved by Reneé is just something indescribable, I can't put words to it. She is thoughtful, she is passionate. She is gentle, she is patient. I look at her beside me and I swear I can see the next 70 years of my life. She is all that I will ever need.

"Me either, I wonder how fast the next 10 years are going to go" she hums, slowing pressing her lips against mine.

"10 years?" I ask.

"The first 10 years" she smiles, kissing me slowly once again "and the next 10 after that" she continues, trailing her hands down my sides and eventually positioning them on my hips.

"I want all of them" she presses her bare chest against mine and slides her leg between my thighs.

"You've got em then, I'm all yours" I say, my body shudders when her knee makes contact with my center. She leans in to kiss me again, slower than the first time.

"I love you" I tell her when she pulls away.

"I bet I love you more" she smiles.

"What are we doing today?" I question, glancing over at my phone and realizing it is already noon.

"I don't have anything planned today, so we can do whatever you want"


"Sure" she smirks "but I wanna do something else first"

"Oh yeah? What is that?" I tease, I think I have an idea. 

"You already know" she whines as her hands continue to roam my body, her knee pressing harder against me now.

"No I don't, you gotta tell me"

"Did you bring the thing?" she questions.

"What thing?" I am just being difficult now.

"Claire, seriously"

"I wanna hear you say it, I like when you say it" I tell her.

"Did you bring the strap on?" she says in a serious tone, clearly sick of my games.

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