16-I Need The Guts To Go and Give [Her] Up

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**Reneé POV**

Claire still has me blocked, even after Thursday night. I tried to text her again this morning and it didn't deliver, I am so conflicted. Does she still hate me? Why did she kiss me then? I'm so confused, fuck her.

I texted Towa and asked her to hang out, she left me on read. I guess she doesn't want to hang out with me unless I'm going to let her rail me with the purple strap on, fuck her too.

**Claire POV**

I made it to the airport yesterday with plenty of time to spare. Thanks to Reneé, Jane and I didn't stay out very late, we left immediately after our little run-in in the bathroom.

This weekend went too fast, it always does when I'm home. People are starting to leave the house after Kane's birthday party. He turned 9 today and I can't believe how much of his life I've missed since moving to LA. I am the oldest of 4, so moving away was definitely hard when I had to leave all my little siblings behind. Luckily, over the years I've managed to stay really close to my younger sister, Sam. She just turned 23 and visits me a few times a year, Jane and I love to take her around LA. I have another brother, Bryce, who I haven't seen in over a year. He is currently stationed in Georgia in the military, he turns 21 next month. Then there's Kane, who turned 9 today.

There is quite an age gap between the two of us, the oldest and the youngest. That's because he was kind of an accident. My dad died when I was young and my mom stayed single for most of my childhood and teenage years. When she finally remarried, her and my stepdad got pregnant with him almost immediately. It was totally unexpected but he is the perfect addition to our family, we can't imagine our lives without him.

"I don't want to go home yet" I pout to my mom, thinking about the plane ride back tomorrow. I plop down on the couch as she puts away the last of the food from the party.

"I know, I wish you could stay longer. I bet Reneé misses you though" she says from the kitchen. I know she meant well, but that statement feels like the thousand needles stabbing into me all at once. I have to tell her.

"Yeah, I'm actually not seeing her anymore" I huff, hoping she won't ask any more questions.

"What? Why? She seemed like a really sweet girl" she asks as she walks into the living room.

"Yeah, she was. Until she cheated on me" I say dryly.

"Oh, honey. I'm sorry to hear that" she says giving me a soft smile and coming to sit next to me on the couch. I don't reply.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks.

"No, not really" I tell her as a tear falls, god damn it. She pulls me into her arms and lets me just cry, I really love my mom. She can be so comforting without saying anything at all. This last week has been so horrible, but being here with my momma was exactly what I needed. I lay my head in her lap and she plays with my hair, just like she used to when I was little. We watch a few episodes of The Kardashians, I feel my eyes get heavy.

"Momma, I'm gonna go to sleep, okay?" I tell her, sitting up.

"Okay honey, goodnight. I'm making breakfast in the morning if you want to help" she offers with a smile. I love cooking with my mom. Being the oldest, I helped out a lot around the house after my dad died. For a lot of years, it was just her and I holding everything together.

"Absolutely, goodnight" I kiss her on the cheek before heading up the stairs to my childhood bedroom.

I lay in bed starring up at the ceiling, thoughts of Reneé flood my brain. I should hate her, but for some reason I don't, I can't. I just need the guts to go and give her up. Maybe I should hear her out, what is the worst that could happen? I know there most likely is no logical reason or explanation for all this.

I grab my phone and open my contacts. I scroll to find Reneé's name and hit the unblock caller button. Jane would be so pissed if she was here.

Now I wait.


As I open my eyes the next morning, my head is absolutely pounding from crying myself to sleep last night. I groan and roll over to check the time on my phone, when I see a message from Reneé.

Reneé: We really need to talk. Can I come over tonight?

I know I shouldn't talk to her, not after what she did. It was so stupid of me to kiss her on Thursday, I knew it was a bad idea before I even did it. But, I really want to hear her out, I miss her so much. I type out message after message, deleting them all before finally replying.

Claire: Sure

She texts back almost immediately.

Reneé: Okay, I can be there around 6 if that's good with you?

My flight to LA lands around 3, so I should have plenty of time to get home.

Claire: Yeah

I get dressed and head downstairs to help my mom with breakfast. 

**Author's Note**

Just a short little chapter and some backstory on Claire's life. I think the next chapter is the longest one so far! It will be out today as well. 

This story is at 1.2k reads which I know isn't a ton but to me it feels like a lot so thank you to everyone reading :)



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