19-Got To Have A Taste Of A Pretty Girl

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**Claire POV**

We arrive at Alex's house, a little late and already drunk. Tonight we are celebrating the release of his new album that comes out tonight at midnight. I don't know him or his music very well but Reneé insisted I come with her tonight. Being in large groups where everyone knows each other besides me makes me anxious as all hell, so I wasn't thrilled but I was willing to come with her. Especially since I found out Towa would also be in attendance tonight.

We walk inside and grab a drink from the kitchen before we look around for Alex. I catch a glimpse of him through the window, he's standing outside by the pool surrounded by a group of his friends. I nudge Reneé gently and point at him. With a small nod of her head, she takes my hand and leads me outside. Reneé gives a quick "congratulations" to Alex and introduces me to the few people she knew from the group. She doesn't bother to introduce me to Towa, who has now walked over to the group and is standing shoulder to shoulder with my girlfriend. Reneé ignores her completely, which makes me happy. They all make small talk for a while, talking about the album I know almost nothing about. Towa and I exchange awkward glances every now and then but no words are spoken between us. Eventually, Reneé turns to face me, noticing she hasn't talked to me much since we arrived.

"Need another drink, babe?" I ask, pointing to the vodka soda in her hand.

"Yes, please" she smiles at me. Towa looks over at her for a second as she speaks. She only looks away when she accidentally locks eyes with me.

"Will you come with me?" I ask, in an attempt to not leave them alone together. I know nothing will happen while I'm here but to be honest, I don't even want Towa to talk to her. I can see her out of the corner of my eye, still eyeing me as I talk to Reneé.

"Sure baby" she says before taking my hand in hers and walking us towards the makeshift bar Alex has set up in his kitchen. I grab a bottle of vodka and start to pour her another drink.

"Why is she staring at us?" I ask her, trying hard not to sound jealous or angry. Even though I am kind of both, but I'm not sure why.

"Who?" she asks, trying to play dumb. She's not dumb and she knows exactly who I'm talking about.

"Towa" I say, dryly.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe she's mad I didn't say hi? I didn't know how you would react so I just didn't say anything" she admits. I screw the cap on the club soda and hand her the drink I made. I don't wanna talk about it anymore, not here at least.

"Tell me if it's too strong" I say, trying to change the subject now. We exchange an understanding glance as she takes a long sip of her drink.

"It's perfect" she tells me, snaking her arm around my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. As we walk back over to the group, Reneé links her arm with mine. She immediately starts up a conversation with some guy named Scott, I try to listen in but most of their music lingo goes right over my head. I can feel Towa staring at us from across the patio, so I just keep Reneé close and try to ignore her.

"Here, let me put my number in your phone and if you ever need anything just shoot me a text, I'd be happy to help" Scott tells Reneé as she hands him her phone. If he wasn't a guy I would probably be mad but he has a horrible mustache and a dick so I'm not worried in the slightest. Towa's staring though, is really starting to piss me off.

"Thanks Scott, it was really great talking to you!" Reneé gushes, he gives her a small wave before walking off to talk to someone else. Reneé turns around to face me and I wrap one arm around her neck, pulling her closer so I can whisper in her ear.

"God Reneé, you look so fucking good tonight" I tell her while quickly glancing over at Towa, who is still fucking staring at us. I feel goosebumps form on her arm when I whisper to her and she looks up at me with lustful eyes.

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