5-If We Run Into Each Other On The Street

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**Claire POV**

My alarm rings at 8am on the dot and my eyes shoot open immediately. I turn over, expecting to see Reneé next to me but I am met with an empty bed. Wait, was last night a dream? There is no way. I hop out of bed and head to the bathroom to start getting ready for work. It wasn't a dream, right? It couldn't have been. But there was no sign of Reneé anywhere in my apartment.

I make myself a quick breakfast before heading out the door. As the lock clicks, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out to see a text from Reneé.

Reneé: Sorry to run out this morning, I had an 8am meeting I completely forgot about.

It wasn't a dream, thank god.

Claire: No worries! When will I see you again?

Three dots popped up quickly on the screen before disappearing. She read the text but never replied, not a good sign. My mind quickly fell into a spiral, did I do something? Did I say something? I walk ahead staring down at my phone, desperately waiting for a reply from the blonde.

"What the fuck?" I hear a girl say as I walk directly into her, not paying attention at all to where I am walking.

"I'm so sorry" I mutter as I look up at the girl in front of me. I would recognize that voice anywhere. 

"Claire? Oh my god, how have you been?" she asks with a shocked look on her face. I can't believe this is happening right now.

"Hi Ali" I start, "holy shit. I've been good, what about you?" She looks so much different than she did the last time I saw her. She dyed her hair blonde and she's a lot more ripped than I remember. She got her nose pierced, she told me she hated mine.

"I've been good. I wish I could stay and talk but I'm running super late. It was nice bumping into you though, we should catch up sometime"

"Yeah, sure" I reply, knowing damn well that will not be happening.

"I'll text ya sometime" she hugs me before rushing off.

What the actual fuck? Why would she want to meet up with me? Why would she assume I would want to meet up with her? Why did I say yes? I really hope she doesn't actually text me. I had deleted her number months ago so I couldn't block her even if I wanted to now. Do I want to meet up with her? No, I don't. I am not thinking clearly, she't just got me flustered.

I finally arrive at the office and try to distract myself with my work. I spend so much of the day thinking about my little run in with Ali, I almost forgot that Reneé left me on read this morning. Finally, I see my phone light up on my desk.

Reneé: Hey sorry, really busy day. Wanna come to the bar tonight? My friends and I are going out.

I didn't think much before replying, obviously I was going to go.

Claire: Sure, what time?

Reneé texts back immediately, as always.

Reneé: 8pm? I'll pick you up from your place.

Claire: Sounds good, I'll see you later. What should I wear?

Reneé: Something sexy ;)

I can feel myself blushing when my manager barges through the door. I turn my phone off immediately, trying to make myself appear busy at my computer.

"Claire, did you get those plans finished up for the Smith job?" she asks sternly.

"Finishing up the dimensions now, I should have it to you by the end of today" I assure her.

"Perfect, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. You can leave whenever you get that to me, I've got nothing else for you today"

Thank god, I think. I need to go home so I can get ready and pre-game. I decide to call Jane on my way home so I can tell her about last night.

"Hey" she answers on the first ring.


"Soooo, how was last night?" I was waiting for that.

"It went really good, she stayed the night" I inform her.

"Oooooo" she gushes "does that mean you guys hooked up?"

"We did" I announce proudly.

"Come on Claire give me more than that, I want the dirty details" she pries.

"Well, she's a really good kisser and her tits are like literally perfect dude" I joke, not wanting to give too much detail.

"Do you have a picture for proof?" she asks laughing, I bust out laughing as well. 

"No I don't, you'll just have to take my word for it" I reply, still laughing about her comment. 

"Booooo. Is she actually a pillow princess?" she questions. We had read that online a while back and both of us didn't believe it at the time.

"Definitely a pillow princess" I confirm, smirking to myself.

"Jesus Christ Claire, you're literally living my dream" I giggle at her statement because I know it's true. It's kind of my dream too, if I'm being honest. 

"She invited me to the bar tonight with her friends too" I say, quickly changing the subject.

"Omg I wanna go with you" she pleads. I would love to bring her along but I don't want to just invite her.

"Next time, promise" I assure her "but I'm home and I've gotta get ready so I'll call you later"

"Ugh fine. I'll talk to you later, have fun!" she says before I hang up the phone.

I get home a little early and hop right into the shower. I grab a Bud Light on my way to the bathroom, I love a good shower beer. I down it quickly and grab another before I start to blow dry my hair. I throw on a pair of baggy black jeans and a white t-shirt. I hope this is what Reneé meant by "sexy". I reach for a pair of shoes on the top shelf and a box next to it tumbles over, spilling the contents everywhere. Old photos and wristbands from concerts litter the floor. I start picking things up quickly when I spot something out of the corner of my eye, my tiny pink vibrator from college. I forgot I even had this thing. I click it on and to my surprise the batteries aren't dead. I smirk to myself and shove it into my back pocket. Who knows, maybe it will come in handy tonight. Just as I finish cleaning up the mess I'd made, my phone buzzes.

Reneé: I'm here.

**Author's Note**

Sorry, this one is kind of short! I had a little bit of a writers block for a minute. I am hoping to get out another 4 chapters or so this week! Thanks for the votes and thanks to everyone reading this little story :)


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