26-I Know There's Heaven But We Must Be Higher

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**Claire POV**

After 7 long, grueling days, I am standing in the airport waiting to board my plane to New Jersey. I haven't told Reneé about my meet up with Ali and I don't know if I will. I didn't do anything wrong and to be honest, I'm glad I did it. Besides, there is no way she will ever find out since Ali doesn't even know it's her that I'm dating. My phone buzzes in my sweatshirt pocket as they call my flight to board.

Reneé: I can't wait to see you later! I am going to make us dinner after I pick you up from the airport.

Claire: Yay :) I'm boarding now, I love you.

Reneé: I love you more.

I sit down in my seat and put my phone on airplane mode, only 5 more hours until I finally get to see my girl.


As I walk off the boarding bridge, I turn my phone off airplane mode and text messages start coming through immediately.

Reneé: I'm here waiting for you :)

Jane: miss u already bitch UGH

Mom: Just saw that you landed, I was tracking your flight. Send me pics of your new place when you get there. Love ya

I shoot a quick reply to both my mom and Jane. I walk quickly through the hallway of the airport to the baggage claim and when I turn the corner, there she is.

"Baby!" she shouts and runs up to me, trapping me immediately in a tight hug. I drop my bags and throw my arms around her.

"Hi babe" I mumble into her shoulder "I missed you so much"

We stand there for a moment in each others arms, neither of us wanting to be the first one to let go. Reneé's hood starts to fall down, so she pulls away to pull it back up, trying to conceal her identity.

"Did anyone recognize you coming in?" I ask.

"No one" she smiles, she's pretty good at making herself look indistinguishable.

"Let's get your bags" she says, picking my backpack off the ground and taking my hand in hers. We don't go in public together often, simply because we both want to keep our relationship as private as possible. So, when we are together in public it always feels a little strange. Something about this time feels different though. Maybe because we're not in LA anymore, there aren't as many paps. This airport is relatively small and there aren't a ton of people here. For a moment, it almost feels like we're just two normal people. Well, it feels normal to me most of the time, until I remember Reneé is like mega famous. I try to forget about that part sometimes, I think Reneé does as well.

We walk to the baggage claim and my bags are already on the carousel. I grab them both and Reneé takes one from me as we walk to the parking lot. When we walk outside, there is a man standing with a sign that says "Rapp" on it.

"You have a driver?" I ask Reneé as she hands my things to the man.

"Yeah, Adam thought it would be easier than trying to get my Jeep up here" she informs me. The man opens her door and she slips into the backseat immediately, not wanting anyone to recognize her. He walks to the other side and lets me in as well, before packing the trunk with my suitcases.

Our new apartment isn't far from the airport, maybe a 10 minute drive or so. When we arrive, the driver opens both our doors for us and retrieves my luggage from the trunk.

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