3-Now My Tummy Hurts

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**Claire POV**

Today was about to be the longest day of my life. I asked my boss if I could leave at 3 instead of 4 so I had plenty of time to get ready for my date with Reneé . I didn't tell her I had a date, I told her I had a dentist appointment. I felt bad for lying, but I knew she would pry the details out of me. I didn't want everyone in the office to know, just in case things went badly. I really hope they don't.


I get home and Jane is waiting there for me, she was going to help me get ready. I set my things down on the island and immediately hop in the shower. Jane helps me curl my hair and put on some light makeup. I am not typically one to wear makeup, except for special occasions. Today is definitely a special occasion.

"You look so good" Jane says with a smile.

"Do you swear? I'm so nervous, I'm already sweating" I tell her, pulling at the collar on my shirt in an attempt to cool myself down.

"Yes dude, it will be fine. Don't worry so much, just have fun"

"I know, I know. I better go, I'll be even more anxious if I'm late" I say as I grab my keys and wallet.

"Call me when you get home?"

"Duh! Thanks for all your help, I'll call you the second I get home" I assure her before giving her a small side hug and walking out the door.

I get into my car and head towards the restaurant. It wasn't too far away but with LA traffic, I had about a 25 minute drive. That should be plenty of time to calm myself down. I don't even know why I'm so nervous. What is the worst thing that could happen? She could never call me again? I didn't think she would even call in the first place so really, what do I have to lose? I turn the music up louder so I can't hear my thoughts.

I arrive at the restaurant and park my car. I sit there for a moment trying to compose myself, I can't believe this is happening. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Reneé emerge from her Jeep across the parking lot. My heart skips a beat and now my tummy hurts. She looks stunning in a simple black dress, her hair is in a claw clip. Here goes nothing, I guess.

I get out of my car and walk to meet her on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant.

"Hi baby" she says as she sees me "you look great"

"Not as good as you" I flirt, "how are you?"

"I'm so good. I'm glad you agreed to come out with me, I was really looking forward to seeing you again" I can feel my face turn red.

"Me too, I wasn't sure if you would actually ever call me" I tell her honestly. She giggles at my statement before taking my hand and leading me into the restaurant. The hostess seats us and we order shortly after. I'm not really even sure what I ordered, everything here is super fancy and I've never heard of half the things on the menu. The server leaves our table and Reneé immediately starts up a conversation.

"So, tell me about yourself Claire" she starts.

"Well, what do you want to know? I am a pretty open book"

"I want to know everything about you" she smiles "are you from LA?"

"No, I grew up in Indiana. I moved to Florida for a while during college and then I got a job out here. What about you? Are you from LA?" I already knew the answer to this question but I asked anyway. I would never admit this to Reneé but the day after the concert I did extensive research on her. I already know her birthday, hometown, shoe size, her parents names and more that I'm embarrassed to admit. Does this make me insane? Yeah, probably. I look at her while she starts to speak.

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