7-[I'll] Leave The Key In My Mailbox, Just For You

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**Claire POV**

"Good morning pretty girl" Reneé says as she snakes her arms around me while I stand at the kitchen island, preparing iced lattes for us.

"Good morning, babe" I tell her before turning around and kissing her on the lips. She walks around the island and sits down on one of the barstools and starts scrolling on her phone. I stare at her for a moment, she is wearing one of my t-shirts and a pair of underwear. Her blonde hair is in a messy bun and she's still wearing her retainers. She never misses a night with her retainers. How does she look so pretty without even trying? I hand her the latte I made for her and sit down beside her.

It's been a few months now since we met at her show. We spend most of our nights together, wrapped up together in my bed. We go out together with our friends and have coffee dates on Sundays. We are almost inseparable at this point and every second we spend together is just so perfect. I deleted all the dating apps off my phone, not that I used them much to begin with. I know nothing is official with us, but I genuinely have no desire to see anyone other than her. Everything is just easy with her, I don't know how to describe it. There is just something about her that is so captivating, she's got me wrapped around her pretty little finger. She is patient and gentle with me and I just love to be around her. I find myself falling for her a little more with each day we spend together and I need to know if she feels the same about me.

"Reneé?" I start "I need to tell you something" she puts her phone down and over at me with wide eyes.

"Fuck, do you have a secret girlfriend?" she asks, half joking with me. I think.

"No no no, I don't. It's not that, it's nothing bad. I don't even know how to say it. I like, really like you" I say, staring into her deep blue eyes.

"I like you too Claire" she smiles at me "a lot, actually"

"But like...what are we?" I ask sincerely.

"What do you mean, baby?"

"Like, are we friends? It definitely feels like more than friends. I just don't know what your expectations are for..us..I guess. And we've never really talked about it before"

"Ohhhh" she says, reaching over to grab my hand "I really like you Claire, as more than a friend. And I want to keep seeing you"

"Okay, thank god" I smile, feeling relieved. I lean into her, connecting our lips in a heated kiss. I kiss her slowly for a moment before she pulls away to speak.

"Wait a second, friends? You don't fuck your friends like that, do you?" she jokes, I think. Her sarcasm is almost too good.

"No, I definitely do not" I laugh and pull her closer, connecting our lips again. I could kiss her all day long.

"What do you wanna do today, baby?" I say, taking a sip of my drink.

"I have to be at the studio in a little bit actually, but I can come back over later if you want me to" she informs me.

"Yeah, that works. Maybe I'll see what Jane is up to today. What time do you think you'll be done? Want to get dinner?" I suggest.

"Probably 6, maybe 7. Dinner sounds good. Can I take a shower?"

"Only if I can watch" I tease, winking at her.

"Deal" she smiles and we get up, I give her ass a little smack as we walk to the bathroom.


Reneé finishes her shower and I lay in bed again as she gets ready for her day, I wish I could go with her but I don't think that's allowed and she didn't invite me so I'm not going to ask. She emerges from my bathroom wearing a bra and a pair of sweats.

"Can I borrow a sweatshirt?" she asks, I nod and she walks into my closet to pick one out. I burst out laughing when she walks out of the closet wearing her own merch.

"This is cute, don't you think?" she is now laughing as well.

"Yeah it is, but who even is Reneé Rapp anyways?" I tease. She rolls her eyes and walks over, sitting down next to me on the bed.

"I'm gonna miss you while you're gone" I smile, wrapping my arms around her neck and pulling her over on top of me. I kiss her slowly, like she has nowhere to be but here with me. I wish I could stay here with her all day. She sits up, pulling away from our kiss before things get too heated between us.

"I'll see you later, okay?" she says, giving me a final kiss on the cheek.

"Can't wait"

"Hey Reneé?" I call out before she leaves the room.


"I'll leave the key in my mailbox, just for you" I start "that way you can just come whenever you want later, even if I'm not back yet"

"Okay, thanks baby" she smiles at me before she walks out the door. 


It's almost 9 I haven't heard a word from Reneé since she left this morning. I try calling her but it just goes to voicemail. Is she okay? Did I do something? She finally texts me just after 10.

Reneé: I'm so sorry baby, I got caught up at the studio. I'm so tired, I think I'm just going to go home tonight. Can we do dinner tomorrow?  

Claire: No worries, tomorrow will work. Call me when you get home? I miss you. 

Reneé: Okay perfect. I'll call you in a bit.

I stay up until just after midnight, she never calls. What is going on?   

**Author's Note**

Another short but sweet one! I'm posting two more today and then it will probably be a week or so before I finish the next couple. Hope you guys are enjoying this :)



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