40-I Know You Just Met Me

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**Claire POV**

"Good morning, pretty girl" Reneé winks as she walks in on me in the bathroom.

"Babe, what the hell?" I laugh as I pull my pants up and stand off the toilet.

"Sorry, I had to. I like it here but there's just no privacy" she smiles, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Welcome to the first 21 years of my life" I laugh "I'm used to it at this point"

"I just wanna kiss you" she whines. Physical contact has been minimal since we arrived yesterday. Not because it's not allowed, but because it feels slightly awkward and because Kane insisted on sleeping between us on the air mattress last night.

"Then do it" I tease, wrapping my arms around her neck and pulling her in for a kiss.

"Mmmmm" she hum against my lips, walking backwards and pressing me against the vanity. I smile as she continues to kiss me, she smiles too and our teeth accidentally bump into each others.

"We should go back to the hotel" she flirts, trailing her hands from my waist to my ass and starting to kiss my neck gently "just for like, an hour"

"We can, but we have to eat breakfast first" I tell her, knowing damn well my mom probably got up at 7am to cook for all of us this morning. It's very rare that all of us siblings are together, so this is like a holiday to her.

"Promise?" she whispers as she pulls away.

"I promise"

We exit the bathroom and luckily no one saw us, not that it would've been a big deal. But like I said, something about it just feels awkward. We walk hand in hand downstairs to the kitchen, where my mom has just finished cooking breakfast. My siblings are all lined up cafeteria style to get food. Reneé and I each grab a plate before sitting down at the table.

"Mom, will you take me to Ryan's?" Bryce asks as we finish our breakfast. He sold his car when he went into the army so apparently my mom is his chauffeur for the next couple weeks.

"Why don't you have Claire take you?" she suggests as she pours herself a cup of coffee, of course trying to hand the task off to me. I don't mind though, I've missed my brother.

"Claire?" she asks when I don't say anything.

"Yeah, I'll take you" I tell him "Wanna come with me, babe?" I look at Reneé across the table from me.

"Not really" she says bluntly "you go, I'll stay here"

"Okay, let's go" I sigh, getting up to grab my keys after putting my plate in the sink.

"I'll be back" I tell her. I give her a kiss on the cheek to avoid another comment from Kane, who insisted on sitting next to her for breakfast this morning.

**Reneé POV**

This is fucking perfect. I stay seated at the kitchen table, watching out the window as Claire and her sister pull out of the driveway.

"Hey Christi, will you come upstairs with me for a second?" I ask Claire's mom. She looks up from her coffee briefly and gives me a weird look. Claire's siblings do the same.

"Sure" she agrees, following me up the stairs and to Kane's bedroom where our things are. I close and lock the door behind us. Christi sits down on the bed and I reach into my purse and pull out the tiny white box, holding it behind my back. My fingers are shaking and my legs feel kind of numb, I am more nervous than I thought I'd be.

"So, I know you just met me, but there's something I really wanted to ask you"

"What is it, sweetie? You can ask me anything"

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