24-You Call At 3AM I'm Picking Up

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**Claire POV**

"Ready babe?" I shout to Reneé, who is in my bedroom packing up the last of her suitcase.

"Almost" she yells back to me.

I stand by the door, looking around the apartment I've called home for almost the last 2 years. Boxes piled up in the living room stand taller than me. I sold most of my furniture, since we decided we will move Reneé's stuff instead of mine. Most of Reneé's things were shipped out last week and are waiting for her at our new apartment, which I've only seen in photos. Reneé chose it, so I know it will be nice. And even if it's not, I know we will make it ours. I don't care where I am, as long as I'm with her. Her first day of shooting for the Mean Girls movie is tomorrow and I'm getting ready to drop her off at the airport. I have about 7 days of work left until I'll be working from home full time in New Jersey. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be moving across the country to live with Reneé Rapp, who is my girlfriend of almost 8 months at this point, I would've called you the biggest liar alive. I take a deep breath, taking in this moment. I feel so incredibly lucky.

"Alright, I'm ready" Reneé says, approaching me and snapping me out of my trance.

"You okay?" she asks when it takes me a second to reply.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't believe this is happening" I admit, still looking around at all the boxes. I have had so many great memories here.

"What, that we're moving?" she giggles.

"Yeah, that. And the fact that you're my girlfriend. Like what the fuck?" I say, giggling at myself now. Life is just so funny.

"Well, believe it baby. You're all mine" she flirts. I smile back at her before she leans in and quickly captures my lips in a kiss.

"God, I love you" she says as she pulls away. I smile again and open the door for her.

The ride to the airport was too short. We talked about all our plans in New Jersey and Reneé showed me some of the stuff she had ordered for our new place. I wish we could just keep driving so she didn't have to leave. Eventually we arrive, I stay with her until it's time for her to board. We check her bags, stop for a coffee and after an hour or so, a woman makes the dreaded announcement over the speaker. 

"I'm going to miss you so much. I love you Reneé" I say, hugging her tighter than I ever have before. I don't want to let go of her. 

"I love you more baby" she says, hugging me back before she turns to enter the terminal "I'll see you so soon though, okay?" 

I nod and give her one final kiss on the lips, our last kiss for the next 7 days. She waves goodbye to me before she slips out of sight and as she does, a single tear falls down my cheek. It's only 7 days and I feel like a baby for crying over this. 


It's almost 3 and I can't sleep. I can't believe I still have 6 more nights here by myself, I hate this. I have gotten so used to having Reneé next to me, my bed feels empty without her here. She called me when she landed and that was it. I know she's busy, the movers were waiting for her when she arrived and she was probably just exhausted and fell asleep after unpacking. I'm re-watching The Sex Lives of College girls, something I've been wanting to do but would never do with Reneé here. My phone buzzes from Reneé's side of the bed. I reach over and grab it, hoping to see a text from her.

Ali: Hey, it's Ali.

Uhm, what the fuck? It's been like 8 months since I ran into her on the street. Why is she just now texting me? And on the day I drop Reneé off at the airport, like what are the fucking odds? I know I shouldn't even reply but I am so curious as to why she's texting me.

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