2-Why The Hell Didn't [She] Call Me Yet?

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**Claire's POV**

I wake up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. It's Jane, of course.

"Hello?" I answer, still half asleep.

"Do you want to tell me what the fuck happened last night?"

"Yeah, I do but not at 7am, Jesus Christ" I say, annoyed she would call before my alarm even went off for work. I am not a morning person. 

"I have a super busy day today and didn't want to wait until I was done working. I need to know what happened when you guys disappeared"

"Not anything super juicy" I start, "she pulled me into the hallway, made out with me for a few minutes and then asked me to put my number in her phone. It literally is probably nothing, don't make a big deal out of it" I explain, hoping and praying it was something.

"Holy shit Claire, she kissed you? And you're just acting like it's no big deal?" she says, starting to get worked up over the whole situation.

"Yeah, I'm not going to get my hopes up. She's fucking Reneé Rapp, she probably kisses tons of girls and never calls them. I doubt anything will come of this" I say, lying through my teeth. I really hope she calls me.

"Well, keep me updated. I'm walking into work so I gotta go but you better let me know if she calls" Jane demands.

"Okay I will" I say, giggling. I hang up the phone and check my messages immediately to see if I missed anything, I didn't. Fuck.

Now wide awake, I decide to get ready for work and stop for breakfast on the way since I have extra time this morning. I get myself around and head out, checking my phone periodically for any text or calls from the blonde.


I arrive at my office right on time, as always. I've only been late once, it was because I got into a fender bender on my way in. I am basically a star employee, my boss loves me and so do all my coworkers. I love my job, it's the whole reason I'm in LA in the first place. I moved out here a few years ago when I accepted a job offer as an architect at a big firm right outside the city. I was 23, fresh out of college and had no idea what to expect. But now, 4 years later, I truly can't imagine doing anything else.

I get started on my work and the morning flies by. Lunch time rolls around and I realize I haven't even touched my phone since I started working. 

I look down at my phone, still nothing. I sigh, why the hell didn't she call me yet?

The rest of the day drags on, but I manage to keep myself busy for the most part. By 4pm, I had finished 2 plans and the other few revisions that needed to be done today. I pack my things up and get ready to head home for the evening. I throw my backpack on and head for the elevator when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull out my phone as I click the button to take me to the ground floor.

Unknown: Hey, it's Reneé. Do you want to get dinner with me tomorrow? I can't stop thinking about you.

My heart races and my fingers tremble a little bit. I dial Jane immediately as I exit the elevator.

"Hey" she answers on the second ring.

"She texted me" I tell her, without even saying hello "I'm literally shaking"

"Oh my god! What did she say?" she practically screams on the other end of the phone.

"She asked me if I want to get dinner with her tomorrow" I say "and that she can't stop thinking about me"

"You're lying," she jokes.

"No Jane, I am dead fucking serious. How long should I wait to respond?" I open my car door and hop into the driver seat.

"Fucking text her back right now, what the fuck?" Jane snaps at me. She's right, I shouldn't play games.

"Okay hang on" I tell her as I pull the phone away from my ear. I put her on speaker phone and go back to my messages.

Claire: I would love to. When and where?

I click send and read the message out loud to Jane. Immediately, three dots appear on my screen.

"She's typing" I tell Jane, my heart is practically beating out of my chest now. I hear Jane squeal on the other line before a new message appears.

Reneé: How about 6pm? Meet me here.

She attaches directions to a restaurant I've never been to before, it looks fancy as fuck.

"We're going out tomorrow at 6pm to some place called 71Above" I say, keeping Jane updated on the situation.

She squeals on the other line while I type a reply to Reneé.

Claire: That sounds perfect, I can't wait to see you.

"Oh my god, what are you going to wear?" Jane asks excitedly.

"Dude, I have no idea" I reply, starting to panic. I don't think anything I own would be acceptable for a first date with Reneé Rapp.

"Let's go shopping! I'll pick you up after work?" Jane questions.

"Perfect, just text me when you're here"

"Okay, see you later" she says before quickly hanging up the phone.

Holy shit, I'm going on a date with Reneé Rapp. 

**Author's Note**

I know this one is a little short! The next one will be longer and hopefully I'll have that posted over the weekend. Chapter 4 is where things start getting good :) 



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