𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮.

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Nelson and I sat at his kitchen island counter. "Hey, YouTube!" I waved to the camera that was set in front of him and I. "Hi, guys." Nelson also waved. "So this is my first video on my YouTube channel so- Thank you! Thank you!" I felt proud of myself as Nelson clapped and congratulated me.

"You didn't tell them the most important part." Nelson said.

"That was the most-" 

"We have Crumbl!" He picked up the two tiny pink boxes. "Oh, yeah!" I said. "But today we're gonna be discussing our Ick's. Right?" I looked over to him. "Because we have so many Ick's about each other." Nelson set the boxes on the table. "Oh yeah. I could go on and on for days." I said. "I was just kidding." He looked at her.

"I was just kidding too." I held back my laugh from his slight frown.

"Anyways, these Ick's are gonna be more general. We're gonna go back and forth."

"I'll start." Nelson opened his box of cookies. "Jeez." I rolled eyes, also opening my box. "Alright. My number one Ick is when people only sleep with one pillow." Nelson bit into the Strawberry Crumb Cake cookie. "That's not- Nels, you're not real." I shook my head. "I'm being dead ass." 

"Can I say my Ick?" Niles walked into the kitchen.

"Damn it." Nelson said.

"My biggest Ick is when people snap pictures of their shoulders. Do I get to have a bite?" Niles pointed at his brother's bitten cookie. "No. Go away." Nelson covered his box.

"Aww man-"

"Here." I held out a piece of my Mallow Sandwich cookie. "Yay!" Niles grabbed it, walking into the hallway.

"Okay. My biggest Ick is when people slurp pasta." I bit into the Nilla Bean Cupcake cookie. "But I do that every time we go on dates." Nelson said. "I know. I hate it." I laughed. "Hater." He rolled his eyes. "Sassy man." I pinched his cheek.


"This one's kind of like generic but I hate when people are like- rude to waiters or rude to people." Nelson said as I agreed with him. "Like if you go to a restaurant and the waiter is like hi- how- are- you? And their like can I get a water. I'm like they just asked you a question." I said.

"Yeah. I know right." Nelson nodded.

"Oh! You know what Ick's me out about you?" I looked over to Nelson. "What?" 

"When you play your fricking YouTube videos of streamers and their screaming, and you blast it on your speakers in your room." I said. "I only blast it when I'm cleaning." Nelson sipped on his watermelon juice. "Yeah, I know but-" 

"My biggest Ick is when people chew with their mouth open." Nelson stared at the camera.

"Was that directed to me?" I asked as I started to do what had said he didn't like. "Stop!" He laughed at my loud chewing.

"Ohh, an Ick is when we're at an amusement park- Mm when we went with Noah and them." I looked over to him.

"Mhm." Nelson nodded in agreement.

"And there's games and he's acting all cocky and he's like, I'm gonna win all the prizes for you babe. And I'm like okay! Like I don't complain because he actually does-" I explained. "It's true! I win and you carry." He lied his head on my shoulder.

"Mm! An Ick is when-" He began as I laughed since he had a stuffed mouth. "People order a bunch of food and don't eat it." Nelson finished.


"My Ick is when you throw things and don't catch it in your mouth but you're like-" I demonstrated, twitching my neck and we both laughed. "That's a good one! That's a good one!" Nelson had his hand rested on top of mine.

"Let me try." He got a tiny piece of cookie. "No. That's too big, you're gonna choke-" I said. "And they go like-" Nelson twitched his neck and we both laughed.

"A lot of you guys are asking how Milo is, he's doing great!" I informed the viewers.

"He's kind of growing." Nelson looked over to me. "Mhm. His breed is a Maltipoo for those who were wondering, and he's still so cute and tiny."  "I'm cuter." Nelson shrugged his shoulders. "Mm, no." I shook my head.


"One last Ick before we go. People who put on chapstick weirdly." I said. "Mm, that one pancake pod with Cam, I had put on chapstick before she arrived and she said I put it on all weird." Nelson told the camera. "Because you were! Like making out with it and shit." I mumbled towards the end, making him laugh.

"I was not. One last Ick before we go. When someone has only one playlist." Nelson looked at me who looked away.

"I'm just kidding!" He said.

"You're really trying to start beef because you have one playlist too." 

"I was just kidding! Oh my God." Nelson's arms made their way around my waist from behind. "Okay. Bye guys see you soon." I waited for Nelson to say something. "Make sure to Subscribe and everything. Bye!" Nelson stuck out his tongue and widened his eyes.

You're the only one| Nelson NeumannWhere stories live. Discover now