A natural

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Quinn and Hiroshi are in the little studio trying some stuff.

Hiroshi- Why don't you try and make a cover of a song that you like? We can send it to my father.
Quinn- Really?
Hiroshi- Yeah. Come and choose a song.
Quinn- Ok then. It's a Blackpink song called D4.
Hiroshi- That is perfect. You can show off your vocals and your rap skills too. Let's continue.

They first begin with a warm up. Then Quinn is ready to start. She starts singing the first verse. Doing lots of takes until it reaches to perfect. Hiroshi meanwhile is watching with admiration. He got mesmerized by her unique and cute voice.

Hiroshi- You sure are the one.
Quinn- The...one?
Hiroshi- For my dad's company I mean. You are close to perfect. The harmony, the vocals, ahhh the rap. You are a natural. The maximum of takes we did is 2. Like, that's insane.
Quinn- Thank you (while blushing)
Hiroshi ~damnnn why is she so cute? Those cheeks... Snap out of it c'mon~
Hiroshi- Well... One final touch and it's perfect. I'm going to send it to my dad immediately. With your voice I strongly believe you're gonna pass.
Quinn- Thank you for thinking so much of me.
H.Mom- Kids come down to eat.
Both- Coming.
Quinn- Wow this looks delicious.
H.Mom- Help yourself darling.

They start to eat. Quinn is eating so gracefully like she's a princess or something. Her posture, the way she eats and everything.

H.Mom- You can feel relaxed here like it's your home.
Quinn- But, I am relaxed.
Hiroshi- She's talking about the way you're behaving, like a royal haha.
Quinn- Ohh. Yeah about that. That's how it always has been. I eat slow and I'm always the last one in the table. But this is me, I don't know how to eat "different".
H.Mom- Oh honey it's ok. You look like an educated kid and well raised. This is exactly how someone should behave in the table. Right Hiroshi?
Hiroshi- Huh?!

Quinndoms HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now