The King

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Quinn- *Sigh* I don't know what to say. I'm scared if I screw up.
Hiroshi- Hey don't worry, I'm here to protect you.
Quinn- That's why you're here?
Hiroshi- I've been trying to find you. The harmony needs the Queen and someone else who's gonna be the King to defeat the enemy.
Quinn- Wait. So that means?
Hiroshi- That I'm gonna be your King only if you want too though. If you don't want then I can just be someone by your side.
Quinn- That's... That's interesting.

Quinn starts to blush and Hiroshi takes a peak at her pink cheeks.

Quinn ~Hiroshi my king?~
Quinn- What about the others now?
Hiroshi- Oh yeah. Let's restore all this damage and get back to class.

Hiroshi restores everything, Quinn is back in her previous form and they both get to class like nothing happened. Everyone appears and no one suspects anything.

Quinn- This feels weird.
Hiroshi- I just froze the time so now we're back where we were.
Quinn- This is so cool. Can I also do it?
Hiroshi- You're the Queen, you can do more than Kage himself. I'm just a small ant compared to you.
Quinn- Don't say that. Now that I haven't fully discovered my powers I'm the ant haha.
Teacher- Quinn. You are paying attention right? You know this exercise will be important for the final test right?
Quinn- Yes teacher I know.
Teacher- Them solve this
Let 𝑓:𝑅→𝑅 f:R→R be a twice differentiable function such that 𝑓′′(𝑥)=𝑒−𝑓(𝑥)f ′′(x)=e −f(x) for all 𝑥∈𝑅x∈R.
Hiroshi- You need help?
Quinn- Seriously? *Giggles*

Quinn goes to the black board and aces the exercise like a good student she is.

Teacher- Well... You still need to pay attention in class. You can sit.

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