HQ Harmony

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Hiroshi- I'm so happy that you became class president. Now you're the boss haha.
Quinn- I always was the boss, class president or not.
Hiroshi- That's true. So I was thinking that this week we train all afternoon. We need to be prepared and make a debut as fast as possible.
Quinn- Now that I'm class president it's gonna be hard to keep up. We also have homeworks.
Hiroshi- I know you can keep up with all of that. And I'll also help you so don't worry. What about I come and pick you up at 2pm?
Quinn- Yeah sure.
Hiroshi- Perfect.

School ends and Quinn goes home to get ready and waits for Hiroshi to pick her up. As she gets down she hears a car honk. It's Hiroshi.

Hiroshi- Well hello there.

He has the same look as last time, right now with a wink.

Quinn- Do you have a different personality when you're in the car or is it just me?
Hiroshi- Hehe I don't know what you're talking about.

He knows exactly what she's talking about. Quinn gets in the car and they drive away. They soon arrive at the company. They get down to training hard with the voice coach and they're acing it. After the training they stay in the lobby.

Hiroshi- We might finish the training faster than I thought. You are a natural seriously. You hit every note right and you sing with emotion. I like that.
Quinn- Let's say we're both naturals. We were so good.
Hiroshi- Soon we can debut but we need to find a group name for both of us and a fandom name.
Quinn- Mmmm let me think. What about HQ Harmony?
Hiroshi- That's great. We might go with that. Now a fandom name.
Quinn- What about Harmonizers?
Hiroshi- Damn. How do come up so fast with these?

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