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I remember not being able to breathe. 

The memory suffocates me and I feel my chest tighten up and my skin grows cold. 

But it is not how it started. 

It began with a quiet rage, one that boiled inside our bones until our souls could no longer contain the fire. One that followed with a cloud of smoke - so dark that we were unable to see what we were hiding and what we were trying to show one another.

And it ended with a chaos more terrifying than could ever be imagined. 

It was destructive. It was hell. It was me. 

And if he died, it would be all my fault.


{ It's a strange thing how you can let go of someone in one way, but not in the other. Like how you can remove someone from your life and carry on as if it were nothing, but you'd fall apart if you lost them in another way. I'm still trying to figure out how all of this makes sense } - Delilah on Calum.

That was in the draft version of this chapter but I wanted to leave it here for you guys as you all seemed to appreciate it. Thank you for all your support.

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