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It was too much to answer him, to tell him how the love of my life, his best friend, was lying unconscious before us. 'I put him there, Luke. I'm the reason why he might be dying.' I couldn't tell him that, I just couldn't.

"Del?" Luke pushed, his voice tired and wondering.

I snapped from my gaze, mumbling out incoherent words, unsure of how to start. I held tightly onto Calum's hand to remind myself that he was here, taking a few deep breaths to gather the courage to speak.

"I didn't mean to make him angry."

Luke looked over at me once again, his eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion.

"We were arguing again and he came home late. I was tried of waiting for him, never knowing where he was.

He leaves me all the time, and I know he can't stay, but for once I wanted to be the one to leave, to show him what it feels like."

I blinked away my tears, my thumb rubbing small circles on Calum's hand as the guilt flooded through me.

"I was so upset and I need to get away from everything for a while, even him; so I left. It was in the heat of the moment. He was yelling at me and I couldn't breathe because I was so worked up.

I ran out and got in my car and began driving off. That's when he got in his own car, that's when it happened."

A silence lingered in the air for a few moments before Luke spoke up again, his voice raspy and strained as he had been crying. "I don't see how this is your fault."

"Well it is." I told him, frustrated and angry, tired of repeating over and over how I was to blame.

"Delilah, listen to me."

"No Luke, just shut up! It's my fault, everything is my fault, ok?" I yelled at him, letting go of Calum's hand in defeat and standing up from my seat.

My chest was rising and falling quickly as I breathed heavily, Luke's eyes looking up at me, flooding with tears which were threatening to spill.

"He followed me."


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