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My head began to pound as the bright ceiling light shone down on me. Slowly, my eyes flickered open and for the first time in a while, I was able to see. I was confused and disorientated, wondering where I was at first. Luke stood up sharply, his eyes wide and his mouth parted as he took hold of my hand, squeezing it firmly for me to try and squeeze back. I couldn't focus on him long as the world was intimidatingly blurry and my head was spinning around, becoming lighter by the second.

"Calum? Calum can you hear me?" Luke asked, the slightest trace of happiness in his voice as his eyes searched mine.

I struggled to keep them open and I felt like the earth was moving beneath my body. Luke's words seemed slurred and the footsteps from someone entering the room rang out in my head, causing the pounding sensation to increase. It took me a few seconds to register that Michael had now made his way into the room and was standing at my side.

A figure appeared in the doorway and I was holding onto every hope that it was Delilah. But it wasn't, and Ashton came closer to me, disbelief washing over his features. I looked around the room, desperate to see her but I didn't. I felt my eyes close again as I realised that she wasn't anywhere to be seen. And once more, I somehow slipped back into the familiar place in between life and death. I was alone again.



Without any warning or any sudden movement of his body, Calum's eyes began to slowly flutter open, taking a few seconds to fully focus on me before they drifted around the room. I almost had to pinch myself to make sure that this wasn't some cruel dream that my mind had imagined. He was finally awake, he hadn't left us.

I called out his name asking him if he could hear me, causing a confused Michael to wonder into the room. His face lit up with happiness as he hurried to Calum's side, talking to him as I was doing in hopes that he would say something. He was rattled and woozy looking, his eyes looking around the room slowly as it appeared a struggle for him to keep them open.

As Ashton joined us, Calum's strength seemed to vanish in a instant, and before we could digest what was happening, Calum's eyes rolled back and he slipped unconscious again.

We were all left confused and worried about him, wondering how what just happened was possible. As Michael ran to get a nurse, Ashton and I carefully shook his shoulder to try and get him to wake up, but to no avail.

He was taken for some scans and we all sat outside his room in silence, trying to figure out what was going to happen. Surely this meant that he was going to wake up for good this time, right? He was going to be ok, he had to be. Amid all of our curiosity, no one had seemed to ask where Delilah was. It struck my mind how devastated she would be when she'd be told what happened - that Calum woke up and she wasn't there.

To no surprise, she didn't answer her phone when any of us tried to call, but we made sure to leave her a few messages hoping that she would read them soon.

Thankfully, an hour or so later, Delilah appeared, hurrying over to us waiting outside Calum's room. She looked as if she had been crying for hours on end, her eyes bloodshot and swollen and all light dulled. "Where is he? Is he ok?" She shot the words out as she stood before us, panting slightly as she had obviously hurried to be here. I stood up in front of her, my hands holding onto both her forearms to calm her down.

"Shh, Delilah." I cooed, my hand moving to her back to guide her along as we walked away to a more private, secluded section of the hospital.

We sat down and she impatiently awaited the news, her knees bouncing up and down in anxiousness. "I don't know how to tell you this.." I muttered out, not sure if she could hear me.

"Please. I need to know." She spoke up, answering my doubts. I looked up to her seeing the desperate look in her eyes, nodding softly before I began.

"I don't know how or why, but he just started to open his eyes slowly without warning. He was very lost looking, disorientated almost, like he didn't really know what was happening. Michael came in when he heard me talking to Calum and then Ashton did too, but just as sudden as he woke up, he fell unconscious again and before we even had a chance to ask someone what was going on, he was taken away for scans." I explained to Delilah, her gaze fixed on the tiled floor as she struggled to keep her emotions in.

"This means he's going to wake up, doesn't it?" She asked, her voice strong as if she wouldn't accept no for an answer. I simply shrugged my shoulders and frowned, knowing as little as she did at this stage. What if it meant the opposite?

We turned at the sound of footsteps approaching, seeing a sympathetic looking Ashton quietly walking over to us. "Calum's back." He informed us, Delilah shooting up at his words. We followed the familiar halls down to Calum's room, arriving just in time to see the nurse hook Calum back up to all the machines filling the room.

Delilah looked over at us cautiously, a questioning look on her face as if she were awaiting permission to go and see him. I nodded gently, smiling sadly at her as she silently made her way in to see Calum for the first time in a while. Thinking about it, none of us were too sure where she went, or why she never came to see Calum.

I just hope that for his sake, she doesn't leave again.


I've been waiting to upload this since yesterday after 2.6 went up. It would have, but after finding out that Zerrie broke up, I had a lot of emotions (mainly anger towards Zayn y'know - idc) and I felt so heartbroken for Perrie. Oh my gosh, she deserves so much better :-(

But thank you sO MUCH I WAS BLOWN AWAY BY THE AMOUNT OF COMMENTS ON MY LAST CHAPTER, 5 AWAY FROM 100. WOW THANK YOU! I've almost got 3000 followers on here too, so thanks.


Poor CalPal, I wish?hope? he survived/es.

Lol, love you.

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