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"Delilah?" I heard someone faintly mumble my name. "Delilah?" They repeated once more.


My eyes shot open suddenly and I sat myself upwards with a sharp intake of breath, wakening hastily from my slumber.

My features fell once I woke back up from sleeping in a hospital chair, realising that all of this was real and it wasn't just a sick nightmare my mind had created.

"It's just me." His father spoke sadly, handing me a warm cup of coffee as he sat down beside me.

I hated coffee but I didn't have the heart to tell him, so instead I held it in my hands, close to my lips to keep me warm.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket, switching the screen on to check the time, noticing that I've been asleep for all of three hours. How I even managed to sleep in the first place is beyond me, I was just thankful as it might be the only sleep I get for a while.

"Any news?" I asked his father, my eyes focused on the floor as I twisted the cup of coffee in my hands, not really wanting to hear the answer. He let out a deep breath, hesitant at first before he began to speak. "Yes, actually. Only, neither my wife or I think that we should be the ones to tell you."

I looked towards him as he spoke, his words offering no hint as to what has happened.

"Can you take me to him? Please." I begged him sadly, standing up next to him and following him as he led to me to the private side of the hospital.

Mrs Hood stood up as she saw us turn the corner, her eyes red and swollen from so much crying. I had no doubts that I looked the worst, far beyond sane for all I believed. Though something as trivia as appearance couldn't make the slightest bit of impact on me at the time, unless of course it was Calum.

As if on cue, a doctor stepped out into the hallway from a secluded office, offering his most sincere yet sad smile to us as he greeted us all.

"You must be Mr and Mrs Hood, correct?" The doctor asked once he finished shaking their hands. "And you're-" He began but I quickly answered him not wanting to make a fuss. "Right." He concluded the introductions with.

"In regards to Calum, if you would like to step into my office, I'll run you through the details."

I looked over at his parents for reassurance as I timidly walked into his office, sitting down next to his father once against in front of the desk.

The doctor sat down before us, sheets of paper in his hand which he began skimming over before he paid his attention back to us.

"Shouldn't we wait for Mali?" I spoke up, hoping to stall this conversation as much as I could, afraid to hear a single word. "No dear," Mrs Hood began sadly. "She can't get here for several hours." I nodded in response, turning back to the doctor, silently giving him permission to begin.

"The incident Calum was involved in was quite severe. We ran multiple scans on him, all coming back with a noticeable head trauma which has caused significant swelling to the brain."

My stomach churned and my heart sunk in my chest, everything feeling too much for me.

"Unfortunately this means that we've had to medically induce Calum into a coma as it was the only option we were left with."

As my mind was processing the news, I found my feet carrying me to the door and before I knew it, I was running as far away as I could, wherever that led me to.

Pathetically enough, I didn't even manage to leave the hospital. I found a door which led me to an isolated balcony and my feet carried me up the stairs and to the edge. I looked down, being a few floors up and felt tears cascade down my cheeks.

I screamed into the cold air of the night, whimpers and sobs erupting from my fragile body afterwards, absorbing all the energy I had left.

I feel to he ground and pull my knees up towards my chest, my black cardigan doing very little to keep me warm.

"God, please don't take him from me, please. I'll do anything, I swear. Don't take him away."


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