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I felt light, I felt weightless.

I couldn't open my eyes. I thought that would have felt scary to not be able to, but it wasn't; it was sort of nice?

I was very confused to say the least. Confused as to why I couldn't open my eyes, why no one would answer me when I spoke, and confused as to where I was. I hadn't the slightest clue. It was strange, I couldn't really feel my body. I couldn't move myself, and I didn't feel any pain, but I did feel someone take hold of my hand for a moment, squeezing is lightly.

It was hard to think clearly. Maybe it would have been easier if I knew where I was, but I didn't, so I tried my best to work out all that was happening.

"Hey Calum." The person spoke. The voice was familiar, I knew I knew it, but it was almost impossible to think for myself.

"Who is this?" I asked unsure if they could hear me.

"It's Ashton, buddy." They replied.

So they could hear me? More importantly, why couldn't I recognise Ashton's voice when he said my name?

"Ashton, where am I?" I asked him, feeling panicked as I questioned him.

"I hope you're doing ok, Cal." Ashton spoke.

Why didn't he answer my question? I tired repeating myself but again, he didn't answer me, leaving me both annoyed and worried. I thought he could hear me?

"Delilah was just in here, then again you probably know that if you can hear us."

What was he talking about? What does if mean "if I can hear them"? Delilah was never in here, I would have known if she was.

"She's not doing to good, Cal. None of us are."

I started breathing heavily, feeling as if I was going to have a panic attack if I didn't get any answers soon.

"Is Delilah ok? Why isn't she doing good, is she hurt?"

"You're parents are worried sick, I am too. Michael can barely look at you without breaking down."

"Michael? What? Ashton, can you please just tell me whats going on?"

I heard him sigh deeply and several moments passed by before I heard some light sniffling. Was, was he crying?

"Ashton, please just tell me whats happened." I yelled out, begging for him to tell me, but it was no use. I was silent, no one could hear me.


Please, please, please comment your thoughts. If you give me feedback and tell me what you feel or think when reading it, then that will help me to make the next chapters better (and I'll update more if I get comments).

Let's say, 5+ comments for the next chapter?

I'm just starting it now so you could read it in 20 minutes if I do get comments.

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