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Calum's mother led me to his old room, taking my bag on her way out to wash my clothes for me as I hadn't been able to myself. She shut the door as she left and I turned around to admire Calum's old room. Of course I'd seen it before, but I never had a chance to look at it properly.

I wondered over to the tallboy sitting across from his bed. A few trophies were sitting on top next to and old magazine he had. I picked up one of them, being a trophy he got for football when he used to play. He'd told me about the sport and the opportunity he was given, though in the end, he turned it down for his love of music.

He had various CDs scattered around the room of bands such as All Time Low, A Day To Remember, and of course Green Day - the band he was obsessed with even to this day. I ventured over to his closet and browsed through his shirts, pulling out his old NASA t-shirt and changing into it for bed. It still smelt like him and his shirt, along with everything else in his room, made me miss him even more.

I paced over to his bed and climbed in, wrapping the quilts over me to keep me warm. I grabbed one of Calum's pillows and brought it before me, holding onto it with all I had. And just like that, I was falling into the world of my nightmares again.


Spending the night without Calum was strange and I still didn't manage to get a good night's sleep. I knew how much everyone was worrying about me though, so I told them that I was ok whenever someone asked me, though Luke could see right through me. It was as if he didn't believe a word that came out my mouth, but then again, he probably shouldn't. I couldn't remember the last time it was that I ate something, but I was too tired to even care. Who knows if Calum even cared at this point?

My head was pounding and the silence from Calum was killing me. Why wouldn't he wake up? Was he even trying at this point? I knew that it was unlike me, and I was well aware that it was wrong, but my anger and frustration soon began to grow and I couldn't help but let my emotions out on everyone else.

I'm sure that by the end of it, most people were starting to think I was crazy. Maybe I was though, maybe I was losing my mind without him.



I was relieved to hear Delilah's voice again and to know that she was by my side. I wish I knew how she was doing when she wasn't with me, and I wish I knew if she finally got any rest last night; but it seemed that my questions were soon answered as harsh words left her mouth directed at me.

It was unexpected and something I never thought I'd hear her say, especially given my situation. I didn't blame her though. I know that me lying here was slowly destroying her each day I was out for. It was only a matter of time before she broke, before she couldn't be strong anymore.

She started crying, but it wasn't like every other time. She sounded exhausted, hopeless, impetuous and I was scared for her. Her hands held onto my arm firmly and all her pain radiated through my skin. She was breathing heavily, her heart beat fast as she no doubt looked down at me.

"This isn't fair, Calum. You have to wake up." She spoke, her voice dark and heavy-hearted.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She mourned. "Calum, why won't you wake up?"

All the drugs I was on did nothing to stop my heart from shattering in my chest. My girl was holding onto me for life, desperate for me to wake up, to say something, to let her know that I still loved her; but all I could do was lie there in numbness, listening to her irreversible whimpers until Luke ran in the room, pulling her away from me much to both of our's resistance.

The last thing I managed to hear was the faint cry of "I don't want to be here anymore."


Ohhhh thats where I left it. My 5SOS Imagine/Preference book reached number #4 in the Fanfiction category! Thats insane.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE comment! I update so fast, its the least you could do. Love you .x

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