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I just want to thank you for being on this wonderful journey with me. Chase Me hit 140K today, and with the sequel, this series has a combine total of: 210K+ reads. 

I am also entering this in the 2018 Wattys! I have never won a Wattys Award before, but it is a dream of mine to one day to do. 

Thank you for all the comments on this series. It makes my heart so full to see your love for characters and their story I have written. I never imagined I would have had such an amazing response to my writing. You have all inspired me and encourage me every day to want to be a better writer. 

If, three years later, Dalum still means just as much to you as they did when you first read them, I thank you. If you're still here, thank you. 

The wonderful thin about writing is we can pour ourselves into every character and relationship we write. If the people we write our books for or based on change, then we can still keep the old part of them with us, still have a way to remember how we once loved them, how much we once cared about them. 

I love you. God bless. 


- Hakuna. 

Chase Me || Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now