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I stirred as I felt my body being shaken around, taking me a few seconds to realise what was happening. My eyes fluttered open, landing on Calum, disappointment soon setting over me as he remained asleep. I looked over my shoulder to see Calum's sister, Mali, smiling down at me sympathetically. Within seconds I was on my feet, brining her into my arms and embracing her into a firm hug. She sniffled slightly as she pulled away, a few tears running down her cheeks as her gaze drifted to Calum, so far this seeming everyone's response.

She placed a hand over her mouth as her lips began to tremble, her other taking hold of her brother's, squeezing it reassuringly as to let him know she was here. Calum's father made his way into the room, standing behind his daughter as she turned to cry against him, heartbroken at the sight of her brother hanging on for dear life. Mrs Hood motioned for me to follow her, so I did, walking out into the somewhat quiet hallway behind her.

She looked exhausted and everything she did seemed to match, from the way that she talked to the way that she carried herself, everything began to seem as if it were a struggle for her. She reached out and took hold of both of my hands, holding them in her's just like I had done to Calum. She seemed unsettled, almost as if she didn't want to say what she was about to.

"Delilah, you need to go home."

A million thoughts started racing through my mind as her words repeated in my brain. 'They really do blame me for this. They're not going to let me see him.' I told myself and quickly brought myself up to the verge of a panic attack, overthinking her words.

"Calm down, Lilah, it's alright." She reassured me, being to only person to call me Lilah and get away with it. She helped me control my breathing before she went on and explained herself. "Only for a night, alright sweetie? Go home and freshen up, feed yourself, pack for here. I just hate seeing you like this and so do the others. We all just want you to look after yourself." She promised me, searching my eyes for understanding.

I let out a shaky breath, nodding slowly as I looked back to the door. "Okay." I agreed with her, and for her only. "I just want to say goodbye to him quickly." She let go of her hold on my wrists, her hand resting on my back as she guided me inside. I picked up my small handbag from the floor by Calum's bedside, along with my mobile phone which had ran out of charge within the first few hours of arriving here. Once I was sure that I had all my belongings, I bent down to Calum, placing a kiss to his forehead after moving his hair out of the way, promising that I'd be back soon.

Before I knew it, I was driving along the express way, my mind drifting from thought to thought as I took myself home. The gravel crunched under my tires as I pulled onto the driveway, locking the car behind me as I walked up to the front door of our house. Once inside, I switched the lights on, the house cold and a mess, the state of the room only seeming to add to my exhaustion.

I dropped my keys in the basket on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen, flipping the kettle on preparing a warm cup of tea for myself, putting back the second cup I got out. I leaned against the counter letting out a deep sigh before collecting all the dirty dishes around, and shoving them into the dishwasher, not caring that it was filled with clean glasses.

After brewing my tea, I walked with it in my hands, down the corridor to mine and Calum's bedroom. The bed was unmade on his side and his jumper was chucked on top of the quilts. I gave into the temptation and removed my shirt, replacing it with his jumper and breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne. I tiredly changed into pyjama shorts before pulling an empty bag out of the wardrobe, big enough to fit at least a weeks amount of clothes inside.

I pulled a couple of shirts from the wardrobe, the hangers falling onto the floor which I ignored, as well as a few pairs of jeans and trackies from my draws, carefully fitting them inside the bag, not wanting anything to crease too much. Before doing it up, I made sure I grabbed an extra one of Calum's jumper, along with his grey 'ARMY' muscle shirt to wear as I waited in the hospital for him.

After making sure I had packed all my other necessaries, being make-up, female products, phone chargers, I climbed into Calum's side of the bed, bringing his pillow down to cuddle against, feeling the lack of something in the big ,and almost empty, bed of ours.

I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep, imaging my arms wrapped around Calum instead of the pillow, but sleep wouldn't come my way no matter how tired I was. It just didn't feel right, sleeping in our bed without him.


16/07/15 : (Happy 12th birthday Lucas, ilysm kiddo).

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