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I was alone with Calum, Luke leaving me behind to think of what to say him. I struggled to understand how it was possible that Calum could hear me talking to him, maybe even feeling me touch him. The thought overwhelmed me and at first, I wasn't sure if I wanted it to be true, but I soon came to realise that I did want him to hear me.

However, I still had no idea what to say to him. I know I was overthinking everything, but it felt as if the things I'd say to him in this hospital room might turn out to be some of the most important things I ever say. Either way, I was hesitant to speak, scared that I might say the wrong thing.

After pacing back and forth for a moment, I finally decided to sit back down next to Calum's side. I took hold of hand once again and my thumb rubbed in circles over his knuckles, hoping to soothe him if he could in fact feel me there.

I asked myself, 'if he could feel me, couldn't he feel all the pain too?', but I stopped myself from answering, convincing myself that he couldn't feel any pain at all. I hoped that was the way it was. I finally thought I should say something, and at first, I only managed to whisper his name.

"Calum?" I questioned as if he could respond. I sighed deeply before speaking again.

"It's me love, it's Delilah. Do you remember me?" The minute the words left my mouth, I started hating on myself for giving me another problem to stress about. The thought never occurred to me that he may not remember anything.

"I hope you can hear me." I said to him, not in complete honesty. "The boys are outside, you parents are there too most of the time." Perhaps I should just try and talk to him as if he were awake. "We all just want you to wake up, Cal. We need you to at this point."

I squeezed his hand tightly as if to reassure myself that he was still here. "Please wake up Calum." I whispered in a delicate tone. "Its so hard without you. I need you back."

My eyes scanned over his face, no movement or reaction from him. Nothing to let me know if he would ever open his eyes again. "Don't be scared, alright? I'm right here Calum, I've got you."


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