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It wasn't her. Despite how much I wanted it to be, it wasn't Delilah who came in to see me. Don't get me wrong, I was happy that Luke was here; but I just needed Delilah to help me get through this.

I knew that out of everyone, Luke had the most doubts about me. It was something in the way he spoke, the way he entered the room - he treated every minute like the last as he knew that it could be. Every minute could be my last minute breathing and I was the one who had to figure out how to fight that. I was the one who was alone.

I've found that in life there are words that can either make you, or break you. I'm not so sure if I've heard the good ones yet, but for the latter, I was just about to be told them.

Luke's cold hand let go of mine and I heard him fumble around for a minute or so, before eventually taking a seat at my side. Why was everyone so sure to give up on me?

There was silence for a moment and I failed I to understand what was happening. When Luke spoke again, his voice was shaken and strained, giving off the hint that he has been, or was about to cry. My guess was it was both.

"It's kind of been hard to focus on anyone but you for a while, Cal. We've all been too caught up in everything to spare a minute to think of everyone else." He began with and straight away I could tell where he was going with this.

"But they want you to know that the fans have your back, ok Cal? They've not forgotten about you, no one has. We're all just waiting for you now, buddy." He continued with great tenderness in his voice. "But they understand how much pain you must be in, each one of them is hurting as much as us. You matter to so many people, Calum. That's why you can't leave us. That's why you have to stay."

I wanted to tell him that I knew he was right. I knew that if I died, my absence would effect so many more people than those who have been in this hospital with me. Buy yet, all my worries drifted back to Delilah and she was the only one who was able to get me to fight. Being away from her made everything a little harder, it wasn't like I couldn't do anything, or fight for anything without her. Where was she?

"More than anything, I don't want to say goodbye to you. I don't want to wake up in a world that you're missing from and struggle to find a way to keep on breathing. Everyone keeps saying how we're not going to lose you, so why does it feel like you're already half-way gone? Why does nothing anyone says get you to wake up?"

'I'm trying, Luke.' I murmured out, my voice tired and almost gone.

"I don't want to say this, but I know it might be the last time I get to talk to you. I've put it off for as long as I can, but just seeing you Cal, seeing no signs is also a sign. I have to do this, bud." He explained to me, all the heartache thick in his voice as every word seemed to weigh him down a little more than the last.

"If you're going to leave us Cal, I need you to know that no one is going to hate you." He started off, his voice cracking at certain words as they no doubt pained him to say them. "And I just want to thank you for being one of the best friends I've ever had. You and the boys - you're family to me."

'Please don't say it, Luke. Don't you dare say it.' I warned him. If he said goodbye, if he truly believed that it was, I wouldn't last the night.

"I got to live my dream because of you, and with you, and no matter what, nothing will change that. Nothing can compare to the feeling of being on stage together. It's been the best 3 years anyone could ask for and I'd do anything for it to not end this way."

A heavy feeling weighed down my chest and the numbness of my body was replaced with a dull ache, slowly spreading to every part of my body until it felt like my lungs were being squashed.

"But if it has to, I need to tell you that I'll never forget you for as long as I live. If this is goodbye, Calum, then thank you for everything. This band is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I wish you'd stay. Please stay Calum." His words turned to pleas and his trembling lips brought fresh tears down his cheeks and quiet whimpers along with them.

And then something happened.

Something no one really expected.





PS: (A/N: Sorry, I was going to post this last night but then all of the 1D drama kind of had me really nervous *I was freaking out so much because I didn't want the band to break up* and no today I find out that Zerrie might have broken up. Like what even is 2015? Its certainly not good).

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