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It was getting late and the hospital had began to grow colder during the nights. Ashton had already gone home, but Michael and I decided to stay once again. It was almost as if I felt like something bad would happen if I wasn't here. I didn't want to risk it, even if it was just a stupid thought, so I stayed.

Michael fell asleep pretty quickly, his head falling onto my shoulder, soft snores parting from his lips. It was quiet in Calum's room, though I wasn't sure if that meant Delilah was asleep. I had caught her numerous times talking to Calum before she did. I knew that whatever she was saying, it was personal, so I stayed out of the room hoping to not intrude. It was their time to be alone.

Now, I think more than ever, I was scared to sleep. We had been given this sense of hope, only for it to be taken away days later as they passed and Calum didn't wake up. If I fell asleep, maybe my whole world would be different when I woke up. Good or bad, I wasn't sure; nor was I ready.



The 'how?' was unexplainable, but I somehow found myself at ease staring at Calum soundly. It was as if for that second, nothing could disturb me. We had this moment and no one could take that away from me. No matter what had happened, or what was about to, I realised that he was right in front of me; I still had him even for just this moment.

I took hold of his hand, wishing I knew how to help him, how to give him strength in some way. I study every one of his features, remembering the few freckles on his cheeks and every single detail about him that I can see. No matter what happens, live or die; I never want to forget him.

I pushed his hair back, being careful of the bandages still wrapped around his head. Smiling down at him, I take my seat, his hand still in mine as I contemplate whether or not to speak. I do, letting out a deep breath before starting.

"Hey baby." I began, my voice delicate and untrusting. "I'm still here, you know that. I've still got faith in you." In between my words, there was nothing to be heard other than the regular beeps sounding from the machines, and the steady breathing emanating from Calum. It was just like any other time I had spoken to him in here.

It wasn't such that I was running out of things to talk about, more so, I just didn't know what to say. I could keep on saying the same things over and over waiting for something to happen, or I could try and say what he would want to hear.

"I'm doing ok now, I hope you know that. Its hard Calum, it always is but.." I trailed off, unsure where I was going with this. "Well, you know... I'm getting used to it. I'm getting my head around things and coming to terms with the facts.'

"I've tried to keep myself busy. I've been writing whenever something comes to mind, but its all about you, not that that's a bad thing. I might read some of my things to you soon, I don't know." I spoke, pausing to look up at Calum, my eyebrows furrowing together.

I shook my head, knowing that nothing happened and continued back to talking, squeezing his hand firmly in mine for reassurance. "I know that Michael's done some writing too, but then again, you would have heard them when he played them to you."

I sighed, looking at him exhaustedly. "I still love you Calum."

And then, it just happened.

Somehow, I wasn't ready.


: (


Don't go.


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