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"Sangwoo, I have something to tell you but, you can't freak out

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"Sangwoo, I have something to tell you but, you can't freak out. It's not a problem but, I just need to tell you."

"If it's not a problem why do I need to know," Mr Choi asked looking at his boss weirdly. "What did you do?"

Sangwoo Choi knew that whenever Woojin called him by his first name, it was some bullshit.

"I licked the side of a female employee's mouth. Not a full on kiss."

Sangwoo could have fallen to his knees right there and then...

"You sexually harassed a female employee?!"

"No, I told you what I did."

"Did she consent," the man asked hurriedly. "Because we're gonna get hit by a big fat workplace harassment lawsuit."

"She released pheromones."

"Alpha pheromones... right?"

"Omega pheromones."

Sangwoo Choi sat down on a chair across from his boss with his head in his hands.

He was about to lose his job. Everyone was about to lose their job. Because their boss who had been celibate had decided to think with his dick... as all alphas eventually do.

Sangwoo had forgotten that he was just an alpha at the end of the day.

"Chill out, she's not gonna sue us-"

"You've intimidated her! Woojin you can't do that-"

"What level of deviant are you assuming I am," Woojin asked with a disgusted look. "I have never done something so weird in my whole life."

"But got her to be submissive to you with pheromones-"

"Sangwoo... she's imprinted herself on me when we were kids. I don't have to release anything and that's even a crime."

"Y- huh? What did you just say?"

"She's technically my mate."

Sangwoo was starting to get a headache and he really didn't want to know more. But he had to continue asking... because he was confused...

"So... you and your... y'all are just doing freaky shit at the office? Like what... it's role play?"

"No and she doesn't know we're mates."

"You know what Woojin," the man sighed scratching his temple. "You have a meeting in thirty minutes. I just don't wanna know anymore. I have headache, go figure it out with HR."

Woojin smiled thinking about the flustered expression on Saafeyah's face.

He wanted to see her, desperately.

And he wanted her... real bad.

But he was last to leave the office today. He was sure his angel had already gone home... as she should. He didn't want her overworking in the name of corporate greed.

Woojin adjudged his trench coat looking at the rain before stepping out.

He was planning to run to his car but instead reacted on reflex pulling the girl about to be drenched back into the cover.

Something very uncharacteristic of him.

"Oh- oh... th-thank you," Saafeyah whispered out avoiding the man's gaze.

Just looking at him transported her back to the moment at lunch. The feeling of his tongue... she was really struggling to stand still... she didn't know how to act.

"You didn't realise you were going to get soaked," Woojin asked taking off his own coat to drape over her head. He wanted to shield her as much as possible.

"I didn't know it was going to rain," she responded quietly. "And I have to get home."

"Then come up to my office and ask me for a ride."

The simple gesture made Saafeyah blush. She felt warm that he had offered something like that.

It was small but her parents died in a car accident when she was young. She was an omega so there were very few people that she felt close to growing up.

Plus, no one went out if their way to be nice to her.

There were countless times where she was just left to struggle. Or called annoying when she asked for help. So she had learned to struggle until she eventually arrived at a solution.

Only one person had ever stopped and helped her.

She couldn't start having these feelings for this man. She had promised to wait for her promised one.

And that was weighing heavily on her.

"T-that would be inappropriate."

"But I'm the one telling you to do it. It's your boss giving you an instruction."

"L-look, I appreciate you being nice to me but... but I can't go further with you- I already imprinted on someone I have to keep to that promise-"

Whilst Saafeyah's nerves reached an all time high, Woojin found her non-stop rambling quite cute. It was like a hamster frantically spinning a wheel.

He was truly developing weird habits when it came to her.

Woojin held Saafeyah's cheek stopping her rambling with a kiss. He deepened the kiss slowly pulling Saafeyah more and more into him.

The kiss felt so right that Saafeyah's mind was completely blank.

Woojin barely gave her a second to collect her thoughts each minute they separated going back in for more kisses.

Despite the smell of rain being heavy, around the two, a strong scent of salty sea water and honey was heavy. It was like their own veil.

Two scents that shouldn't mix, blended so effortlessly.

"W-wait," Saafeyah started putting her hand on his chest trying to create some distance. "I- my promise to Woohyun-"

Woojin stopped her rambling once again with a kiss this time slightly bitting her bottom lip.

"Don't say another man's name when you're with me," he instructed whispering in her ear before gently bitting the top. "Don't you feel that you're mine... your mind should be me."

And it was but Saafeyah felt like it shouldn't be... she felt guilty that it was.

"Saafeyah you're driving me crazy," he commented giving Saafeyah a peck. Woojin had full intentions of scrambling her mind. "So I'm going to drive you crazy too."

Woojin didn't understand yet but, he was about to break Saafeyah's heart.

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