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Saafeyah had told Woojin she wanted to meet him

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Saafeyah had told Woojin she wanted to meet him.

So here he was humming a tune as he held an expensive, vibrant bouquet of flowers. It was the best feeling opening the door of their home and seeing Saafeyah stood there.

"Baby, I missed you," he murmured hugging her. Saafeyah took the bouquet of flowers admiring them before throwing them on the ground.

That reaction was not on Woojin's bingo cards. Plus, that was an expensive bouquet that he lovingly requested and paid extra for.

But the next words out of her mouth, made his blood run cold.

He could have dropped dead.

"When were you going to tell me, that you have a child with her?"

Saafeyah decided she wanted to drop Taehyun off at school that morning. Woojin normally did it but she missed the morning bad karaoke sessions she had with her baby.

She knew how to drive and of course Woojin had gotten her a car. He had given it to her as a late push present.

It was an expensive customised cream Audi.

She still got driven pretty much everywhere but she was in her Cardi B era. She didn't know what she wanted to do so she was just... amicable with her baby daddy. And she wanted to be independent.

In her heart, she had forgiven him, to some extent.

There was only so much she could hold against him from a time they weren't even together. She was just a bit angry because they were mates.

She was willing to let him grovel now for her forgiveness.

"Mom, when are you coming home?"

It broke Saafeyah every time he asked that question.

"... maybe soon."

"But why are you and dad fighting?"

"Because... we're just not... we just need some space right now honey. It's just like I said befo-"

"Are you guys splitting up?"

"We're not... it's just me taking some space," Saafeyah replied quickly looking at him in the rear-view mirror.

And she meant that.

She wasn't planning on splitting up from him but, maybe some time apart would help them think. She did trust Woojin but she hated when he protected her feelings too much.

It just ended up hurting her.

She wished he would have told her.

"... you promise? You promise with everything?"

"Taehyun, I wouldn't lie to you. I promise."

Saafeyah parked the car waving Taehyun goodbye but before she was going to pull off, someone knocked on the window of the car.

Saafeyah understood why Woojin had a poor taste in his mouth every time he saw the woman. It was very brave and audacious to approach someone's current partner.

And Sunbin had no shame.

"Yes, can I help you," Saafeyah asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How about we talk? I've been dying to meet the infamous Saafeyah."

Sitting across from the woman was awkward,

Saafeyah had nothing to talk to her about so, she was going to make up an excuse to leave. She wasn't obligated to talk to her very temporary wannabe replacement.

"Can you tell Woojin to answer my calls?"

Saafeyah thought she had gone deaf and was hallucinating.

"Excuse me," she asked calmly not trusting her ears.

"Are you struggling to hear," Sunbin scoffed. "I asked if you can tell Woojin to answer my calls. We're communicating through his secretary and lawyers - just unacceptable when sometimes there's an emergency."

"Wait... you and him are still communicating?"

"You didn't know that?"

Saafeyah was pissed at Woojin all over again. She hated that this woman kept having one up on her every time.

"Oh," she continued, "I thought you two were such a happy couple... I don't know why he would keep this from you."


"Our child... Henry is about the same age as Taehyun... Do you think he'll like a sibling?"

Woojin knew this was the worst case scenario.

"However she has explained it to you, it isn't like that."

"Then what is it like?"

Woojin was more surprised by the fact that Saafeyah was calm and collected.

"Y-You're going to let me explain?"

"Woojin, I don't want you to lie to me anymore. So whatever comes out next of your mouth let that be the truth and all of it or... I don't even know how I will deal with you."

"Okay I'm not going to hide anymore, just - wait, let's just sit down."

Saafeyah and Woojin sat on the sofa whilst the man held his head on his hands.

"Woojin, do you want me to die?"

"What are you saying," he asked in a panic. "Why the fuck would I ever want that?"

"So why are you doing this to me," she asked tearfully trying to hide her face. "You had a freaking baby with her?! Just tell me you want me to die, Woojin!"

"I didn't want to say anything until I was sure babe," he rushed out holding her in his arms. "I asked for a DNA test, I don't even know if it's mine... I wouldn't have slipped up with her..."

Saafeyah felt so heartbroken and inconsolable.

"I love you so much and you keep hurting me... what am I doing? I shouldn't even be here..."

"I've messed up baby and I'm sorry - I know sorry isn't enough, ever but just- I know it's selfish but I just want to make you happy- please let me fix this, give me a chance to sort this all out."

Saafeyah held on tighter to him just crying it out. Everything she was feeling.

The frustration.

The sadness.

The embarrassment.

All out.

Woojin apologised the whole time stroking her back. He kissed the top of her head feeling like genuine shit for letting a forced hookup come to terrorise the love of his life.

He should have never let Sunbin into his life.

"You have to tell me everything," Saafeyah demanded with a small voice. "I don't... she keeps acting like she has one up on me and I hate it. It makes me feel pathetic."

"I know baby, I'm sorry, I'll fix it," he promised gently kissing her. "It's not going to happen again. I'll put her in her place - she won't come to you anymore."

"I just feel so... small. I just- I just feel miserable. She is so stunning-"

"She's not you. I only have eyes for you - she was a mistake when I wasn't in the right mind and was letting those wackos tell me what to do. There is no one that I want more in the universe than you."

Saafeyah looked down, she couldn't describe what she was feeling. She was just so overwhelmed - she didn't feel like herself lately.

"Saafeyah if you tell me to jump, I would never ask how high, I would just do it. You could tell me to die on a whim and I will do it. Just tell me what you want and I'll do it."

"For now... I just really need a hug."

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