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"Do you like piano class Taehyun-ah?"

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"Do you like piano class Taehyun-ah?"

"Yeah," Taehyun replied excitedly. "Miss Eliza is really nice. We're learning Mozwart."

"Mozart sounds like something that would be hard right," Saafeyah asked putting the fresh batch of pancakes on the table. "Is it too hard for you chicken?"

"No mummy," he beamed proudly, "Miss Eliza said I play way better than the others!"

"That's my boy," Woojin cheered ruffling the boys hair. "You're so good Taehyun-ah! You make me really proud."

"Thank you da- I mean Jinjin!"

Woojin smiled at the slip up. It was happening so often now he could almost hear the dad. He couldn't wait but, he was still happy at the relationship he was building with his son.

And Taehyun loved hearing praise from his dad.

Saafeyah however, was still a bit apprehensive. Taehyun was starting private school in the next semester. She knew that other kids were probably more advanced but, she didn't know Woojin was this serious about education.

She had the baby in private piano lessons, private language lessons, private swimming lessons and even horse riding lessons and just a bunch of thing. When he had mentioned that he wanted Taehyun to start getting lessons she never imagined he was trying to have his schedule filled.

And she was surprised by how Taehyun was thriving with such a full on schedule. She thought he'd start getting grumpy about having full days but he couldn't wait for his lessons.

And some kids that attended his new school were in the classes so he was happy about having friends. The fact that Woojin was his father also probably helped.

She didn't really get close to any of the mothers. Most times, she just picked up Taehyun and got into the car fast.

And she wanted to change that. But she was just so anxious about meeting others.

"Why do you have that face?"

Woojin had noticed Saafeyah was pouty. They had breakfast together and then he drove her to drop Taehyun at school like always.

But today Saafeyah was extra pouty.

"What face," she mumbled crossing her arms. Woojin let her sit there in silence for a bit before curiosity won.

"Like you're upset."

"I'm not upset."

"Then smile or something. You just look upset."

Saafeyah's bottom lip trembled before she burst into tears. The whole thing made Woojin panic - he didn't like it when Saafeyah was upset and he struggled when she cried.

"Babe, if you don't tell me, we can't fix it," he coaxed pulling Saafeyah to sit on his lap. The car seat was spacious so she sat there comfortably crying into his shoulder.

"I f-feel miserable now that Taehyun is busy," she sniffled as Woojin gave her some tissue. "It's like I just sit at home doing nothing."

"Well, he's just going to get busier as he grows older. It's a good thing to explore a lot of hobbies," Woojin reason. "He's a lucky kid. And he likes piano and football and stuff."

"I know he does... but I'm just so bored... what am I meant to do with my day? I used to organise his activities all the time. We used to go to the park and practise numbers after school and homework! Now we have people for all those things."

"... I feel like you don't enjoy being with someone with money...."

"Stop it," Saafeyah fussed starting to see Woojin's smile creep. "It's not funny. I'm literally a bum."

"Should we made another one then," he asked touching her stomach. "I can just keep putting them in you to keep you busy."

"You want more babies?!"

"Yeah, I think we can still give Taehyun like seven siblings. We should even be getting to work."

"Seven?! Are you insane?"

"I'm not," Woojin smiled. "And the process is fun... do you know how hard it's been for me to not just fuck you? I've been doing well... reward me or something."

And Saafeyah thought the same.

She had needs. And getting some every once in a while would probably help her take the edge off. She did need some... and she needed it before she started acting even more crazy.

But she'd never admit it.

"You're so silly," she rolled her eyes but a smile was creeping up on her face. And Woojin relaxed seeing her more calm - even took the opportunity to cup her ass.

"Come get some of this silly dick then."


Saafeyah checked her watch wanting Taehyun to come out quickly.

He was doing group art class instead of private class that day which meant she had to stand around with other parentes. Them glancing at her often made it uncomfortable.

"Hey," a mother greeted. She smiled at Saafeyah so she gave a nervous smile back.

"Are you little Taehyun's mother," she asked wanting to keep the conversation going.

"I am," Saafeyah confirmed. But the air went quiet again, Saafeyah was sure the other mother found her weird.

"I'm Lucia's mom. Her and Taehyun have a lot of classes together," she informed catching Saafeyah's attention. "Lu said they're paired up often. If he attends Nova Rise Academy next semester, they'll probably be in the same classes. Oh and I'm Jordana by the way."

"I'm Saafeyah," she smiles shaking the ladies outstretched hand. "I'm glad he has a friend for when he starts school. I was nervous about him starting somewhere else."

"Hi, I'm Ines," another mother greeted. "You don't have to be nervous - my son also goes Nova. Julian speaks about Taetae all the time. I don't think you have anything to worry about!"

Before Saafeyah realised all the other five moms had joined in the conversation sharing various opinions. At first she thought they'd be mean and look at her weirdly but they were nice and welcoming. Even letting her join the Nova Rise mom group chat.

Saafeyah had never really had friends or a big support network but, she had hoped this would be the start of that.

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