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On the twelfth day, Woojin woke up surprisingly clear headed

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On the twelfth day, Woojin woke up surprisingly clear headed.

And refreshed.

He could feel it. His rut was over. But this time, he felt way better than any other rut. Usually his ruts were miserable and no matter how many times his physicians told him he should spend then with the person who imprinted on him, he couldn't. He didn't want to force that on Saafeyah.

Especially when it was so intense.

He yawned glancing at his side noticing Saafeyah knocked out.

And that made him sit up in shock.

The memories of the last few days rushed back to him and he was angry with himself... angry that he couldn't remember everything as vividly as he'd like.

Because he wanted to remember Saafeyah moaning on the kitchen counter as he pounded into her. And he wanted to remember how her ass moved like water...

He shifted the covers wanting to see just how much fun they have had.

That hand print was crazy...  and the hickeys decorating her dark skin... but Saafeyah swore up and down they wouldn't show up.

However, a cold shower and cleaning his babe up were more of a priority than waking up Saafeyah for more.

Saafeyah was in and out of herself feeling exhausted.

But she knew she was in water leaning against a chest. A loofah with a vanilla scent gently cleaning her. And in the midst of everything, a calming scent of sea water.

"You don't have to wake up," the deep voice told her. She felt so calm. "I'm going to do everything, you just relax."

So Saafeyah closed her eyes, relaxing and falling asleep.

The next time she woke up she heard her name being called over and over. She was covered in a blanket sat up against her man.

It was such a cozy blanket. Was Woojin looking at her wish lists? She was sure it was the same one.

"Babe," he called gently, "eat something."

Saafeyah groggily looked up at the man feeling relieved that he wasn't in his rut state anymore. Woojin smiled down at her, just feeding her.

He was so in love with her.

"It tastes so good," she complimented genuinely enjoying his soup.

"You taste way better though."

"Don't say embarrassing things," she blushed.

"How is that embarrassing?" He leaned over planting kisses all over her face. "A fact is a fact."

"But you can't say things like that out loud..."

"Who's gonna check me for it?"

"Mummyyyy I got a hworse!"

Saafeyah smiled finally being able to see her baby properly. She wasn't able to talk to him properly but snuck a few times from Woojin to hurriedly talk to sugar plum.

She sat on Woojin's lap as they both caught up with their sunshine.

"You rode a horse chicken?! That is so amazing! Did you say thank you to grandma and grandpa?"

She was a bit worried at first. Taehyun had never met his grandparents properly and she thought meeting them without her there would make them anxious. Heck... she was even embarrassed at how she met her in laws.

But after the shyness, he really warmed up to them.

"Yes I rode a hworse and got a hworse! It's Shadow!"

"Dad, you brought him a horse," Woojin asked sipping his tea. He wasn't surprised but a horse would be hard for him to one up.

He needed to get him an island to make it right. He couldn't have his father buying Taehyun's favourite gift.

"Well I took him to the stable to just see and ride ponys but him and the Ahkal-Teke were obsessed with each other. I couldn't tell my grandson not to have him..."

Saafeyah was still on the part where her son now had a horse. She looked at Woojin for guidance but the man simply shrugged his shoulders.

Like a whole horse. That needed a stable.

"And everyone could tell my pumpkin has taste," Eunbyeol gloated kissing Taehyun's cheek. "He chose the most expensive horse with no trouble. He's a Baek for sure!"

"Ah, I'm sorry," Saafeyah apologised feeling a bit overwhelmed. "H-he doesn't need a horse-"

"Saafeyah my darling," Eunbyeol tutted looking at her endearingly. "All we need is water in the world - everything else is a want. There's no reason to start denying a young boy his wants."

"She's got a point," Woojin agreed.


"We have horses in the family because dad likes them. I'm sure the caretaker won't mind Shadow as well. And pets build character in kids - don't think about it."

"A horse is a bit too much as a pet," Saafeyah fussed. "We haven't even started him on a dog or cat or hamster - something smaller."

"Mummy Shadow is a foal. He's not that big," Taehyun informed in a matter of fact tone. "He still has a mummy too."

"He did say it's a baby Saafe- yeah alright let me be quiet," the man said quietly after Saafeyah gave him a look.

"Daddy can you come get me," Taehyun asked absent mindedly not really realising what he had said. "I wanna go play with the power rangers in your house."

Saafeyah and Woojin looked at each other in shock.

"Oh my god," Eunbyeol whispered holding her husbands' hands. They both knew how much this meant to Woojin. It's all he talked about lately.

He just want to be dad.

"Wait... what did you just call me Taehyun-ah?"

"Daddy," he reconfirmed casually. "You're my daddy... and I miss you and mummy. I want you to come get me daddy."

Woojin could have cried but he held it together.

"I know, it's just... you just said it out of nowhere I'm surprised- I think this is the happiest day of my life Taehyun-ah."

"Really, really?! I was also super, dupper happy when I first saw you dad."

"Gosh, let me prepare my heart next time you make me this happy," Woojin smiled wiping his eyes. Saafeyah held his hand tightly also feeling emotional.

This felt right.

It was the happiest moment of her life.

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