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"Congratulations Ms Kiala, you are six weeks pregnant! During-"

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"Congratulations Ms Kiala, you are six weeks pregnant! During-"

The next words out of the doctor's mouth were silent to Saafeyah.

She rested her hand on her stomach internally freaking out. She couldn't have a kid right now... not when everything was so crazy... what was this crazy timing?

"Please don't tell Woojin," she interrupted. She knew how much of a close relationship the hospital had with the Baeks. "I don't know what I want to do yet."

"I understand Ms Kiala, I assure you that we put privacy and confidentiality above everything. And I understand that it is important to consider all options."

"Thank you for your consideration," Saafeyah smiled before hurrying out of the room. Those baby development diagrams were suffocating her.

Saafeyah waited by the school entrance just hoping Taehyun would hurry up. She noticed other parents staring at her more than usual but blamed it on her being high alert that day.

"Saafeyah, are you okay girl," Jordana asked with a worried expression. "I heard the news... I can't believe he did you like that- just let me know if you want-"

"Jor, what are you talking about?"

"Oh my gosh, you haven't heard- I thought... it's all over social media?"

"What is?"

Saafeyah wanted to throw up.

Jordana handed her, her phone and Saafeyah was faced with articles upon articles of Sunbin claiming that Woojin was mistreating her as the mother of his child. The articles lied about how Saafeyah was mean to her and was jealous that she also had a child with Woojin Baek.

She even lied about what happened just the previous week when she came and ambushed them at their home.

She lied about everything.

Saafeyah handed Jordana her phone turning away from all the curious glances. She was sick, tired and pregnant.

The worst.

"He had a baby on yo-"

"He didn't," she denied in a small voice. "She's lying about so much - we were trying to figure about all this privately... how could she do this to the kids?!"

Jordana wrapped an arm around Saafeyah's shoulder feeling sorry for how miserable the other looked. She couldn't imagine how Saafeyah was feeling.

"How could she lie like this? I haven't done anything to her..."

"She's a bitch. If we find her, we beat her ass."

Saafeyah wanted to laugh but she was crying... again. She was so frustrated and her hormones were out of control.

"Honey, don't cry, you are fine... it's going to be okay Saafeyah."

"I can't do this right now... Jordana, I'm pregnant."

"Does Woojin know?"

"I literally found out an hour ago- I don't know what I should do... this is the worst situation to bring a baby into."

"I'm sorry this is happening to you Saafeyah... If you need anything- anyone to talk to, I'm here."

She thanked Jordana pulling herself together. She did not want Taehyun to see her like this.

Woojin walked into his house drained.

He slumped on the couch throwing his head back. He was just so tired. He was taking legal action against everyone who published stories like that - they weren't true and they just said anything without proof.

What had journalism been reduced to?

"Hi honey, welcome home."

Saafeyah greeted him quietly hugging him from behind. It had been such a long day she wasn't going to pile into him. She instead released pheromones hoping to ease him.

And just smelling Saafeyah made everything okay for Woojin.

"Sorry for the shit show today, it's going to get better soon. I've given Sunbin a deadline to get Henry tested and she's lashing out."

"I wish she would just do it, it's so suspicious that she doesn't."

"I think I've done terrible things in my past life. I'm being punished for previous sins."

Saafeyah had thought about it the whole day but she decided to tell Woojin. She had to. She remembered how guilty she felt about not telling Woojin about Taehyun.

She couldn't repeat that mistake.

"I need to tell you something but, I just want you to listen to it before you say anything."

"Tell me, I'm listening baby."

"I'm pregnant but I'm- I don't know if I want to do this right now."

"What do you mean? We're having a baby, we talked about this - this is what we wanted," he reasoned resting his hand on her stomach. He was just so happy he didn't want to hear about getting rid of any baby.

"I know but that was before this whole thing-"

"I'm going to get Sunbin under control."

"But you haven't- don't you understand?"

Woojin was just so tired of arguing.

He was tired of everything.

"You know I can't tell you what to do with your body," he sighed closing his eyes. He just had a migraine the last few days. "If you don't want to have a baby, I won't force you."

In any other circumstance Saafeyah would have loved that he respected her wishes. But this time she wasn't happy with it. She wanted this baby, she didn't want him saying this.

She wanted him to solve this once and for all.

"Saafeyah... what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Because... you're acting like you don't care. What am I supposed to do," she complained standing up.

"Then tell me clearly what you want."

"I told you! I told you I want you to fix this," Saafeyah screamed stomping her foot. This pregnancy was driving her crazy. "How do you expect me to be pregnant and happy if you don't get this all together? She's ruining my life!"

"I heard you baby, don't worry I'm going to fix it," he promised kissing her forehead. "I'll make sure your pregnancy is relaxed."

And in that moment, the last thread of patience Woojin had for Sunbin snapped.

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