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Becoming the President of a successful multi-faceted business sounded more fun on paper to Woojin

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Becoming the President of a successful multi-faceted business sounded more fun on paper to Woojin.

It wasn't that he was bad at high level decision making, he was just bored.

But a deal was a deal and Woojin hated to be seen as someone who backtracked. He promised to take over and allow his dad to retire once he reached twenty seven so here he was keeping to his word.

"Mr Choi," Woojin called out spinning in his chair. "Bring me the list of new hires in the technology department."

Woojin liked how efficient Mr Choi was. He was recommended by his dad's former secretary who too retired.

They had also attended the same schools so they knew each other. Sungwoo Choi was used to dealing with the capricious male.

But he was quick, sharp and very in tune with Woojin's needs.

And he got the list to him within ten minutes.

Woojin scrolled through the list mindlessly looking for a very specific name. He grinned from ear to ear finally seeing it.

Recruitment had taken way longer than he'd liked but, he was glad the girl had been hired. Well... it's not like the recruitment staff had a choice. He had given clear direction.

It reeked of favouritism and a hiring scandal to be honest but... who had the courage to tell Woojin that?

As far as he was concerned, he was HR. Under his reign, he was running the Baek empire like a dictatorship.

"When is orientation," he asked the man.

"Monday next week sir, starting at nine thirty."

"Clear my schedule Mr Choi. I think this is the perfect time to play undercover boss."

Woojin sat out of sight at the back of the lecture style conference room.

It was to be confirmed whether he could visibly see the sweat dripping from the senior members of the technology department.

The men were absolutely terrified to say anything.

"Sir, do I take notes," Mr Choi whispered trying to figure out what the capricious man was looking at.

"What the fuck would we use those notes for?"

The response left Mr Choi confused because... he knew Woojin's whole schedule... therefore, he knew they had way more productive stuff to do rather than watch a meeting that would not benefit them.

And it was an orientation.

Sangwoo Choi hated his life sometimes.

Woojin tuned out the men presenting focusing solely on the woman sitting nervously in the audience.

It was exhilarating to him that such a tiny, trembling thing had so much control over him. He wondered how she would react if she knew that from the moment they first met up until now, Woojin had a hand in the most significant events in her life.

Maybe fate had put them in each other's path however, Woojin would make sure that she would never escape.

And of course, throughly make her understand where she had gone wrong.

Yes... because she should feel the weight of forgetting him.

"H-how about we go around the room and say our names and what college we attended?"

Woojin was starting to get irritated by how much the man was stuttering.

No one had a gun to the back of his head.

Mr Choi internally sighed already thinking of sending an email to HR for the man to be fired. He felt sympathy for the nervous man but it was no secret that their boss just did not want people who irritated him there.

No matter what the company's diversity protocol said for the sake of hypothetical window dressing.

Woojin tuned out everyone until it was time for the only person he was interested in, to present herself.

"H-Hi," the sweet voice shyly spoke. "My name is Saafeyah Kiala- I went to a local p-public college."

The girl seemed to start shrinking as people started whispering.

Everyone could tell she was an omega which was already a point against her. Additionally, being an omega from a public college was even worse.

Saafeyah sat down staring at her lap feeling sensitive. Tears prickled the back of her eyes but she didn't want to make a scene.

She knew she'd be judged. It wasn't like she wasn't aware that only those from the best educational backgrounds made it to be employees of the Baek corporation.

But for some reason, the orphanage she grew up in started getting a lot of support from the group. That also included work opportunities for those who worked the hardest.

And no one worked harder than Saafeyah.

For as long as she could remember, she immersed herself in the world of computers and technology. Well... after she was pointed in that direction by a special person.

Everything that wasn't taught in her classes, she went the extra mile to teach herself.

Omegas were known to have learning disabilities. Saafeyah wasn't that much different being diagnosed early on with dyslexia.

However, she didn't let that stop her.

She could understand code and programming. And she was stubborn.

She wasn't willing to let anyone stop her.

And Woojin watched the people in the room laugh at Saafeyah.

And he stared to get irritated.

So irritated that he had to scratch that irritation.

"Is this how we started running orientations in this department," the man asked frostily cutting through the noise.

The two men presenting felt life drain from their body.

"Since when did the Baek corporation allow make fun of people due to their qualifications," the man continued standing up and descending the stairs.

Mr Choi hot on his trail. He knew from the moment his boss narrowed his eye that it was going to be some bullshit and a possible HR shit show.

"You both irritate me and have shown incompetence by failing to control these idiots. You're both fired."

And just like that, Mr Choi had to start scrambling to find two people fill in vacancies.

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