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Saafeyah had been living with her in-laws for three weeks now

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Saafeyah had been living with her in-laws for three weeks now.

She spent a lot of time in the garden just taking nature baths.

She wanted to re-center her thoughts.

She wanted to re-center herself.

So by week two, she was crying less and less. She was trying to focus on other things. Sometimes just programming for to get her mind off things. Doing gardening with her father in law.

Heck, she had even taken up painting.

She saw Taehyun fairly often as well. Woojin dropped him off without coming into the house after school and then picked him up. Taehyun was confused and he wanted an explanation.

But Saafeyah and Woojin didn't want to talk about it.

So they just kept telling him that they would explain a different day.

That day Saafeyah stood by the door checking her watch. Woojin was always prompt in dropping off Taehyun at the same time every day.

She was just waiting for her sunshine to come running so she could give him the biggest hug ever.

But there was never a dull moment with Woojin.

He walked in holding Taehyun's hand. He bit his lip nervously seeing Saafeyah for the first time in a few weeks.

It felt like years.

She looked good... really good. And he missed her massively. Saafeyah hated that she missed him as well.

The feeling was clear even if they didn't say anything.

"I told dad to come in," Taehyun announced. "He's just been moping and it's sad mom."

Woojin wished his son could be a bit more tactful but, this was his karma. He had prided himself on brutal honesty his whole life and now his son kept wacking him.

"You should have asked me though," Saafeyah spoke gently only addressing the boy. She crouched to his level wanting to teach him about boundaries. "I told you mummy needed some space, chicken. It's not nice when you do it like this."

"It's my fault," Woojin interjected. Just hearing his deep voice made Saafeyah want to forget why she was mad. She hated in moments like these that they were mates. "I should have called or made you aware. I'm sorry."

"Okay, you've dropped him off now so... yeah."

Woojin thought about leaving but he couldn't leave it like that.

He wanted them to talk.

"How are you... it's been a while- you look good."

"Thank you, you look good too."

She didn't want to say she was fine because she really wasn't. But she didn't want to say she felt like she was dying and crying at night because he was her phone screensaver.


"Woojin, I told you to drop off Taehyun and not come in," Eunbyeol interjected. "You're making Saafeyah uncomfortable, you can get out."

"Eoma, please- I just need to speak to her."

"Taehyun-ah, your grandfather is in the garage fixing his car, I think he'd really like your help."

The boy looked at all the adults. Taehyun wanted to witness his parents making up and hopefully go back home. But he also knew how to read the room... he was very perceptive for his age.

And... he really liked doing car stuff with his grandad... so after a minute, he dropped his book bag on the floor and ran towards the garage.

Eunbyeol had a good look confirming that the boy was far away before glaring at her son. "Don't you understand that Saafeyah needs space? Don't be selfish right now."

"But I only want a minute."

"It doesn't matter if you wanted a nanosecond- no is no Woojin."

There was so much satisfaction in watching such a towering figure get scolded by his mother. Eunbyeol wasn't a short woman at all but next to Woojin she was on the shorter side.

Two overgrown weeds

"I just want to explain."

This time to Saafeyah's surprise by her own actions.

"Then do it within five minutes."

At first it was quiet as they both sat on the garden bench. Saafeyah got very used to just being in nature - she was even starting to need it as part of her day.

"If you're just going to be quiet, we don't need to do this."

"I'm gonna say something," he hurried. "I'm just trying to think how."

Woojin tapped his fingers nervously on the bench. He still didn't want to say everything but he had to say something.

"When you left, my ruts got really bad. They became very unstable and... I didn't want to look for you to force you into helping me through it-"

"But I never helped you with a rut until after I left. That time three years ago was the first time... when I was working for you, I never even knew you had one. It doesn't make sense."

"I know, I was taking suppressants at that time. Plus you releasing your pheromones so often made me stable. It was just borderline stable, my physicians kept warning me about it though."

Saafeyah never knew that was happening and she hated that there were secrets between them.

"Why did you not tell me? I'm your mate. I'm supposed to know - you know I would've helped you..."

"Because I didn't want to force you into helping me with my rut. I never wanted you to be with me just because my health was affected if you weren't- I just didn't want you to feel pressured..."

"So she knew about your condition?"

"So she didn't get any ideas... it was just an attempt to see if I stabilised but, after two months nothing happened and I didn't want to continue. I never wanted to do it in the first place. It wasn't anything else, I promise you Saafeyah. Every time she released pheromones I was physically sick- I was never going to be with her."

"So it didn't happen when we were together?"

"You think I'd look at another girl if you're there?! I just did it because I was medically advised. I didn't even want her. She was cut off years before we reconnected. And Sunbin is crazy-"

"Fine," she cut him off not really wanting to hear more. The truth was a bit better than what she was thinking but she still hated that it happened.

And she was angry... even if she just wanted a hug from him.

"I'm sorry babe," he apologised holding her hand in his. "I'll do whatever- I just don't want to lose you. You're the most important person to me, I would have never had done it if it wasn't a critical situation- she doesn't matter."

"But she knows way more about you than I do."

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