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𝗮/𝗻: hey guys! i really enjoy describing characters, and so after those first two oneshots i feel a headcanon part is in order. this just describes how i imagine some of the characters to look and act in my au! (feel free to use these for any of your aus)

𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲:  character descriptions are based solely on how i see their mc persona and my imagination. i do not intend to display any ccs in a negative light. oh and pronouns may be different from the real people xD

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clown • he/they/it

appearance: black hair, either messy or in a small low ponytail (he'll occasionally dye it with red streaks) - lightly freckled face - deep red eyes with flecks of black - pretty tall with a slim body figure - always wears a plastic clown mask except when in private around those he trusts
clothing: usually wears random edgy-looking hoodies - either sweatpants or jeans, whatever he feels most comfortable in - random black sneakers, sometimes he doesn't bother to tie them
extra: he's godly at just about anything fight related, whether he's wielding a knife, a gun, a chair, whatever - despite his appearance he's quite strong - head of a hitman company, the PMC, with leo and minute as his employees - works a variety of odd day jobs, none of which he lingers too long at; even though he gets decent income, he needs something better to write on resumes than "i kill people for a living"

branzy • he/him

appearance: messy silver/white hair - vibrant purple eyes - short enough for people to joke about; he's really just a bit lower than average height
clothing: random hoodies he either buys or takes from clown - sweatpants or jeans or shorts, whatever he isn't too picky with pants - sneakers or shiny black dress shoes
extra: manages a sizable carnival on long island and makes good money off it; he'll invite his friends over for free - good at cooking, actually - one of the oldest lifestealers; frequently gets called "grandpa" as a joke


appearance: straight brown hair that goes just up to their shoulders; rarely they'll tie it back in a ponytail - short as hell; fits the description of a gremlin - nobody really knows what color their eyes are; some days they're blue and other times orange and other times green and nobody can figure out which colors are contacts - usually wears very bright pinkish-purple glasses that are surprisingly opaque; you can just barely see through them
clothing: always has on a bright orange button-up jacket unless it's super hot/cold - wears tank tops or t-shirts underneath her coat - random jeans, their favorites have little emojis and rainbows and stuff embroidered in - light up sneakers with glitter and plastic gems; nobody knows where they got them their size
extra: the most chaotic little goblin you will ever meet - everyone looks at them weird because they drag groups of the scariest guys ever (her friends) around wherever they go - they're kind of like a loud commanding cinnamon roll - their wardrobe looks horrible on almost anyone else but it fits them for some reason

red/redd • he/they/it

appearance: sideswept, entirely red hair; he constantly dyes and gels it so it stays in place - slightly taller than average - blue eyes, almost always hidden by the plain black sunglasses he wears everywhere - tiny gold hoop earring in his right ear
clothing: outside he wears his classic red suit and tie plus black dress shoes - for casual wear he just puts on sweaters or t-shirts with whatever pants and shoes he wants
extra: he's an investor and makes really good money off it - probably owns one of the best apartments and cars (he has a Porsche) out of the lifestealers - always claims to be cold but his body temperature is amazingly warm

ash • he/they/it

appearance: mess of dark purple/black hair; what's unique about it is it doesn't reflect sunlight - purple eyes so dark most people think they're black - cloud of white and black pixels obscures left eye - hella tall - gold stud earring in left ear
clothing: when he's outside he wears a crisp purple suit and magenta/black checkered tie - for casual wear he just slaps on whatever's at the top of his drawer because he's too tired to pick something out; usually ends up with him looking like he walked out of ripoff hot topic
extra: bounces between random occupations but makes a living off stealing from random people, primarily by scamming over the phone - when he's feeling any sort of strong emotion, he starts to glitch out, the severity depending on the strength; it ranges from a few twitches in his hair to entirely covering his face with an error message - when he glitches too much he sometimes zones out and has delayed responses - he's always had glitches but they got worse after the wormhole incident - slight social anxiety; prefers to stay away from large crowds and drive over taking the subway - insomnia; severity varies

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𝗮/𝗻: that's all for now! i decided on only doing my top 5 favorites (i didn't list them in a specific order) or this would be too long lol. i'll probably do a p2 sometime in the future with a couple more characters i like! lmk what you thought of my yapping lol. ☆ bk

𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: i only recently found out that squiddo goes by they/them, although i did disclaimer that pronouns may differ from the ccs i decided to change them anyway.

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