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𝘁𝘆𝗽𝗲: fluff
𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀: clownzy/branzypierce
𝘁𝘄: n/a
𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆: n/a
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁: clown offers to help his bf settle his fairground budget, and they have a very nice fluffy date too

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𝐏𝐎𝐕: clown

It's late at night, and Clown's driving home from his current job at a Wendy's. He doesn't have any hits scheduled for today, and he's glad for it- he's fucking exhausted. Just as he pulls into a parking spot near his apartment, his phone lights up. He sets the car into park mode and grabs it while unbuckling his seatbelt, punching in the passcode with his thumb.
It's Branzy who's messaged him. He grins to himself- any interaction with his boyfriend is welcomed. He doesn't remember what exactly caught his eye about the silver-haired man, but he was always so cheerful and ever so crafty. And he trusted Clown with all his heart, which was a gift he'd yet to receive from anyone else. They'd started dating only a few weeks ago. He pulls up Branzy's chat to reply:

> branzy <3: hey
> branzy <3: can u help me with my budget stuff? im too tired to think lmao
> for the carnival?
> branzy <3: yea
> sure ig
> want me to come over now?
> branzy <3: nah maybe tmr
> branzy <3: im hella tired
> alr
> hows 8 at leos sound
> ill buy u a coffee ;)
> branzy <3: pfft sure
> branzy <3: always finding a way to flirt with me or whatever
> u know me so well lol

He clicks off his phone and pockets it, getting out of the car and starting the short walk to the door of his residence. He's looking forward to tomorrow- and probably taking a crash on his couch, too.

Clown wakes up on said couch, still in his work uniform. His mask had fallen off his face while he slept, and it currently lay facedown on the carpet. His hair was disheveled, although the ponytail he'd kept it in had saved it some tangling. It didn't spare him from a dull ache in the back of his neck, or from the feeling his spine had bent overnight. He got up to stretch, groaning as he works out the kinks in his back.
He checks his watch, still on his wrist. It's 9:32. Shit. He immediately pulls his phone out and finds several messages from Branzy:

> branzy <3: hey imma be a lil late
> branzy <3: sorry lol
> branzy <3: im here wya
> branzy <3: helloooo
> branzy <3: clownnnn
> branzy <3: babe its been like an hour are you comin or

He's clearly been missed. He fumbles with the mobile keyboard to reply:

> im gonna get ready
> meet u there soon?
> branzy <3: lol
> branzy <3: yea ill be waiting

With a breath of relief, Clown puts his phone away and begins rushing around his apartment to get ready. He grabs the cleanest looking clothes he can find within 30 seconds of glancing around his bedroom, a random black shirt with some red heart graphics plus some blue jeans with fun chains attached to the pockets. He throws on his favorite black studded leather jacket for good measure.
He brushes his teeth at light speed and runs a comb through his hair until it lies flat enough to his liking. Simultaneously worrying about your appearance and being in a rush happens to be extremely stressful, and Clown finds himself reassuring Branzy through texts every five seconds, it feels like.

> im almost done
> will be there soon
> just gotta finish combing my hair lol
> branzy <3: dw about it

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