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𝘁𝘆𝗽𝗲: normal oneshot (child au)
𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀: none
𝘁𝘄: n/a
𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆: n/a
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁: child!lifestealers go on a fun field trip to the natural history museum and have a fun lil prank war ig

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𝐏𝐎𝐕: spoke

Today was the day. THE day. It was the only reason Spoke would ever get up early for school, as his mom duly noted. It was FIELD TRIP DAY.
Today, everybody in the school would be going on a giant field trip to the American Museum of Natural History. They'd be driving to Manhattan in a school bus and they'd get to look at dinosaur skeletons and butterflies and gigantic statues of the coolest creatures he'd ever get to see. And boy was he EXCITED.
Within a few minutes, he was ready for school. He'd packed his bag the night before, wanting to be ready as early as possible, and he'd thrown on his favorite rainbow bandana, rainbow striped hoodie and black sweatpants. He'd even worn his light up rainbow sneakers, which were a little tight but he didn't really mind.
"Alright dear, here's your lunch. Have fun out there!" Spoke's mom says sweetly. Her wavy black hair, similar to Spoke's own, flows over her shoulder, and her vivid green eyes glint brightly as she hands Spoke a crinkly brown bag no doubt filled with his lunch for the day. "Okay Mom, thanks Mom!" Spoke responds, snatching the bag and practically running out the door.
"Oh Spoke, you forgot your backpack-" His mom calls after him, giggling to herself. "Oops!" Spoke comes running back inside, slings his backpack over one shoulder, being too excited to bother adjusting it, and runs back out the door. He descends the stairs two at a time, desperate to get to the bus stop as soon as possible. He almost trips and falls on the last step, but he grabs the stairwell's railing and steadies himself. With a puff of exertion, he finds his balance and runs out of the apartment building.
His bus stop is positioned right outside his house, where his fourth grader friend Parrot is already waiting. He, too, looks very excited- he's wearing a bright orange and green cap over his blue-yellow feathered head, as well as a tiedye hoodie and blue jeans. He hears Spoke's little footsteps and turns around from the light post he's leaning on. "Hey Spoke!" He says with a grin.
"Hi Parrot!" Spoke calls to him, running up to stand beside him. "Today's the field trip day, y'know?" Parrot giggles, pushing his cap back- he's wearing it backwards, and Spoke thinks it suits him better that way. "Yeah, I'm soo excited! Imagine all the cool pranks we could play on Mrs. Angie today- like what if we took the giant dinosaur skeleton and like snuck up behind her and went RAWRR!" They both giggle, imagining the scene in their heads.
"Yeah, I really wanna see all the cool exhibits! I heard they have giant rocks with GEMS inside, and dinosaurs with super long necks like giraffes, except they're like ten times taller, and blue whales hanging from the CEILING!" Spoke exclaims. Stars are practically dancing within his eyes. Parrot, however, doesn't seem as enthusiastic, and he merely shrugs. "Yeah, they're cool I guess."
Spoke is saved from having to reply by the bus screeching to a stop in front of them. With a hiss of air, it lowers itself and the doors open, revealing a short set of steps inside. Spoke and Parrot push to get inside first. Spoke wins the battle, and they both giggle as he shoves himself up the steps and into the aisle.
They both share a seat near the back. As they head towards it, their ears are greeted by the usual clamor of the fifth graders. "ASHHH, I want my phone back!" comes a shout from Reddoons, and as they sit down, Parrot elbows him to point at a red-sleeved hand reaching over one of the seats across from theirs, making grabbing motions at the guy sitting in the seat, hunched over and scrolling through the phone he's holding.
Ash is in his third grade class, and he shoots a grin at Spoke before yelling back at Redd, "Nah, I grabbed it fair and square. It's mine now!" There's some grumbling from Redd, followed by the click of Ash taking a selfie by the window. The bus is moving now, and the picture he flaunts to Spoke and Parrot is decidedly blurry.
"Clown, tell Ash I'd like my phone back noww-" Redd complains. His seat mate, Clown, leans out into the aisle to peek at Ash, then returns his head to his seat. "Nah, I don't feel like it." The sound of faint bickering echoes from their seat, and thus concludes the drama.
"Psst. Spoke!" comes a voice from the front of their seat. Spoke has the window seat, and he sticks his eye to the crack in between the seat in front of them and the bus window. He's greeted by a deep purple eye, that of a fourth grader, Mid. "Branzy says tell Clown he needs help with his math homework."
Spoke moves away from the crack and lifts himself over his seat, turning around in a slightly uncomfortable position to face Clown's seat. He can barely see the fifth grader's messy black hair over the top- he's chatting with Redd. "Clown! Branzy wants help with his homework." Spoke yell-whispers. Clown looks up at him, then towards Branzy's seat farther ahead. "Branzy, we don't have homework today! Field trip, remember? Also you can literally just yell across the aisle..."
There isn't an audible response from Branzy, but Spoke can assume he gave Clown some sort of gesture, because the older boy smiles in his direction and turns back to his conversation. Suddenly, the bus hisses to a stop, and PrinceZam, Pangi and Planetlord board the bus. Zam especially is greeted by a chorus of chatter.
Zam hands out friendly smiles to all those who greet him, but he seems most interested in greeting the people sitting in the back. "Hey Spoke and Parrot!" He says, moving to sit beside Ash, who's occupied taking crazy selfies with the window. "We still on for the field trip?" Spoke nods eagerly- he, Zam and Parrot had agreed to form an alliance to play their biggest series of pranks yet.
They all spend a good amount of time chatting about all the amazing pranks they're going to pull when the bus once again stops moving with a low whoosh. This time, they're in front of the school, and everybody clamors to stand up and push out into the aisle first.
Spoke ends up being one of the last off the bus, and Zam and Parrot are already waiting for him on the curb. "Alright slowpoke, let's hurry up and get to class! I'll meet you at the museum entrance later!" says Parrot, who rushes off to talk with some of the other fourth graders. "Alright! Zam, c'mon!" He gestures for Zam to follow him, as they attend the same classroom, and the blonde boy proceeds beside him as they sprint through the hallway to class.

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