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Bianca Dawson
The Perfect Plan

"Everyone who is someone is coming to this damn wedding, I haven't even met the bride" I said to Linda as I did my makeup.

"I would do anything to trade life with you" She said, "if I had the opportunity to have everything handed to me, not have to worry about my bills, take trips whenever, have access to the best jobs..." she continued sounding a bit hazy almost as if she was dreaming about this life.

"I hope you know that's not my life, if Jude stops paying me I'm broke, my family doesn't support me financially anymore because I am not living by their terms or conditions" I said as I tried to conceal under my eyes properly.

"Your Dad sounds like he only wants the best for you, it's not that bad." she said.

"You don't sound like a friend right now" I started, "my Dad is so desperate to have my life the way he wants he tried to pimp me off, a parent is support your dreams or at least help you find one, not force a certain life on you. There's more to life than money, maybe I can say that because I'm used to having it so I know it's not everything. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful or insensitive...you know what let's just change the topic please"

"We come from different worlds so I don't think we'll ever understand each other when it comes on to money" She said softly.

"Did you find the person?" I said forcefully changing the topic.

"Do you have the money?" She asked

"I'm thinking about asking my brother, it's not ideal but I have to" I told her.

"Yeah, the person was found" She told me.

"Anna Farnete, the Chief Editor for Vogue Italia will be at the wedding." I smiled.

"Just like you said she would be" Linda said in amusement.

"She's been a close family friend for years. A lightweight drinker, one glass and suddenly she completely unaware of her surroundings, such an easy task if you ask me" I said applying my lipgloss.

"I underestimated you" Linda said, "I'd never imagine you would go this far"

"Don't be so dramatic" I said, "Anyway, I have to go, I'll talk to you later.

I hung up then left the room, I was headed straight to my brother, rehearsing what I would say or rather how I would say it. I leave tomorrow morning and I know he's leaving immediately after the reception, so I had to ask now.

His door was wide open as, he stood in front of the mirror fixing his tie.

"Wow, I can't believe you're getting married" I said which made him turn around, "Congrats, I'm really happy for you"

"Thanks sis" He smiled, "in a few months maybe I'll be at yours when you say yes to Dominik"

"Wait what?" I asked he completely threw me off.

"You should thank me for that, I made the suggestion" He smiled proudly.

"Father was set on Dave Patel, although he's a billionaire the guy could be our grand father. I know of Dominik, I met him a while back at a conference, his father and ours are very close, he may not a billionaire but in a year or two he could be. Handsome, single and most of all young. It's perfect, he's perfect."

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