Chapter 4

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Present Year

9:00 PM
Golden Pagoda Detective Agency

“Yingxe, you can’t let personal feelings cloud your judgment on this. We have a mission to complete.”

I do stand here, gazing into the looking glass and cleansing my hands.

“Personal feelings? This isn’t just some mark, Xiao. He’s my friend.”

Mine ear doth attend to thy comrade's discourse, Yin.

“Your friend who happens to be under suspicion for—”

“I know him, Xiao. He wouldn’t—”

“Stupid! people change, Yingxe. You taught me that.”

“It’s different when it’s someone you trust.”

“I get it. But if you let your emotions dictate your actions, both of our lives are on the line.”

“I just need more time to figure this out. To talk to him.”

“Time is a gold we can’t afford right now.”

“I can’t betray him like this.”



She had a chilling presence, her gaze fixed directly on me. “Kill yourself.

I was stunned, “Lisha, if you don’t like me, just don’t talk and keep it to yourself.I said seriously, her expression immediately changed—changed to a grin.

Really? why were you able to kill someone you didn’t like?I clenched the back of my neck tightly, a sign of my frustration. “Do you even know what you are talking about? No matter what trauma I experienced I was able to face her without fear.

“You’re really scary, go ahead and do it here at school, she came closer and her eyes widened. “Kill me, Poxiao.

I laughed slightly showing sarcasm, “Look who is afraid of us now.

I know it’s me, you’re scary and disgusting—”

Lisha, stop it! Wei interrupted. We both looked at Wei, “Okay, tie up your friend, Wei. Before she get away and kill someone again.I held back my anger and chose to be chill.



Yin and I stood side by side, eyes fixed on the two figures in the center, Master Tao and Sensei Eikou.

Master Tao, with his calm movement, “Crane wave his wings,” he shifted his weight smoothly, arms waving with the speed of a bird in flight, aiming to strike at Sensei Eikou's defenses.

Wow.” I said with excitement.

“Yeah, but watch. Sensei Eikou always has a way of turning defense into offense."

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