Chapter 33

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“Where is the capsule?” Doctor Lin recoiled as Doctor Bao aimed at him, his eyes wide with fear.

“I-I don’t know,” Doctor Lin replied, “to whom? Who in your group?” the two approached closer.

“Enough of this!” Agent Raide intervened, stopping the scene. “Doctor Lin, don’t be afraid,” he quickly tied Doctor Lin up.

Doctor Bao pressed the trigger.

Doctor Bao laughed. “You know, Doctor Lin, if you had only helped me with the capsule, I wouldn’t have thrown you under the bus.”

“You bastard! Bao!” Doctor Lin shouted, realizing the gun was fake.


From the very beginning, Doctor Bao had a strong suspicion that Doctor Lin was connected to the bombing.

“Good morning, Doctor Lin,” Doctor Bao greeted, his voice calm as he approached the workbench. “I’ve been reviewing some recent cases and could use your help.”

Doctor Lin looked up, setting aside his tools. “Good morning, Doctor Bao. What do you need?”

Doctor Bao opened his briefcase and laid out a set of blueprints and a small sample. “We’re investigating a new type of bomb that’s been causing problems. I need to understand its chemical composition and mechanisms. From my analysis, it seems to involve a complex mix of reactive compounds.”

Doctor Lin examined the documents and sample. “Are you looking into how these compounds are combined or their interactions?” Doctor Bao nodded.

“Exactly. We need to understand their behavior in a controlled environment and what makes them so effective. This insight could help us develop countermeasures or enhance our detection techniques.”

Doctor Lin considered the request. “I can design experiments to test the reactions and stability of these compounds. If you provide detailed information on the bomb’s usage conditions, I can tailor the experiments accordingly.”

His suspicions were confirmed when he discovered a Doctor Lin’s files contained information about the Containment Capsule and Libra’s information.

Doctor Bao reviewed the files on the USB drive he had discovered on Doctor Lin’s desk.

The documents revealed crucial information about the Containment Capsule and extensive details on the Libra organization.

It became evident that Doctor Lin was not merely a bystander but an active member of a group working against Libra.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, he watched as Lin finished his work and left the lab.

Doctor Bao decided to follow Lin.

Lin finally arrived at a run-down building on the outskirts of town.


Doctor Bao opened his briefcase, revealing a collection of evidence and notes. “From what I’ve seen, there’s a unique pattern here. The chemical signatures and detonation methods—they’re not just random. I’m pretty sure they point to something bigger.”

Agent Raide nodded.

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