Chapter 18

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Yang’s hand trembled slightly as she opened the pill bottle.

The harsh light of the bathroom revealing the of small white tablets inside.

Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors.

Her hand shook as she poured out a handful of pills from the bottle, her breath quickening with each one she swallowed.

Just as she closed the bottle, the door creaked open, and Yin’s concerned face appeared in the mirror’s reflection.

“Yang?” he said softly, “What are you doing?"

Yang jumped slightly, guilty eyes meeting Yin’s concerned gaze. “Nothing.” she muttered, trying to brush past her friend.

Yin moved closer, blocking her path. “Don’t lie to me, Yang. Those are your meds, aren’t they?” he took the bottle and shook it as if to say that it was empty.

“You’re not supposed to take that many at once!”


Yin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

Without a word, he wrapped his arms around Yang. He leaned into the hug, feeling the warmth and comfort.

The tension in his body began to ease as Yang held him close.

After a few moments, Yin’s breathing grew steady and calm.

Yang felt relax against him, her head resting against his shoulder.

He knew she was falling asleep.

Gently, he continued to stroke her hair, murmuring soft reassurances.

Yin think...

“If you’re reminiscing, why not relive those moments?”

He remembered what he said to Yang and thought. What if the person you reminisce about is no longer there, how to relive?


Mei’s laughter rang out as she splashed into the water, her energy as she beckoned the others to join her.

Luhao, teased Mei about her splashes, their banter light-hearted and filled with playful jabs.

“Do you remember, Lisha, the stone skipping?” Lisha gave Xiao a soft smile. “Please don’t remind me.”

Lisha seek a challenge, eyed Xiao with a smile. “Race you to the big rock!”

Meanwhile, Xingxe had found a peaceful spot on the riverbank, where the water’s edge gently lapped against the stones.

He sat cross-legged, his flute in hand, playing a soft, soothing melody that blended harmoniously with the rustling of leaves and the sound of the river.

Yin stood beside him, feeling the serene music, his eyes following the movements of Xingxe’s fingers as they danced across the flute.

“Nobody can separate us!” Mei’s statement visibly made Xingxe cringe.

“I am separating with you right now!” Luhao retorted sharply. “Wow, actually you’re not involved, Luhao!”

Xingxe stopped and swam in the river.

“Yin! Come on!”

Mei was surprised. “Xingxe, you’re screaming?”

“Really? When we went hunting, that’s all he did!” Yin joked.

“Really, Yin?” Xingxe teased Yin.

“What’s up, Xingxe!” Yin got up and they chased each other.

Yang immediately woke up as if she had breathed her last.

The Edge of Katana and the Flying Kick with an Eye of the TigerWhere stories live. Discover now