Chapter 32

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Hiro, Katana, and Aki prepared for their infiltration.

Aki in the east side, where the security camera’s blind spot was. He quickly set up his laptop and started typing furiously, his screen filled with lines of code.

Katana and Hiro watching the guards’ patrols. As they prepared to move, Hiro signaled to Katana.

The sound of a distant siren broke the quiet, heightening their urgency.

Inside, Aki’s progress was interrupted by a security alert on his screen. “I’ve triggered an alert. I need a moment to override it.”

“Make it quick!” Hiro’s voice was sharp with urgency.

Katana stood ready, her eyes looking between the elevator and the approaching guards.

Aki’s fingers flew over the keyboard, “I’ve got the virus planted. Cameras are down for the next 30 minutes. Move now!”

With a nod, Katana and Hiro sprinted toward the control room. They reached it without incident, but the biometric lock on the elevator presented another challenge.

Aki’s voice crackled through their earpieces. “Unlocking the elevator now. Watch for additional guards.” the elevator doors slid open with a soft hiss.

Katana and Hiro ascended to the top floor, every sound amplified in the tense silence.

At the high-security vault, Katana expertly disabled the physical defenses, her katana slicing through the obstacles while Hiro kept a vigilant watch.

Aki, worked on overriding the vault’s electronic locks.

Minutes felt like hours, but the vault door finally creaked open, revealing the Containment Capsule inside.

The difficult operation became easy for them; did it really become easy?

In their success, Hiro felt the opponent’s compliance.

His pulse quickened. He adjusted the mirror for a clearer view and saw an unfamiliar car behind him.

Hiro’s car roared, the engine’s growl a constant reminder of the opponent vehicle hot on his tail.

The street lights flashed by in a blur as he expertly navigated the busy road, weaving through traffic in an attempt to lose his pursuer.

He glanced in the rearview mirror.

The opponent’s headlights were still fixed on him, showing no signs of letting up.

Hiro’s brow furrowed as he considered his options. An idea sparked in his mind.

He signaled a sudden right turn and veered off onto a secondary road, hoping to mislead the opponent.

The road was narrow, with only a few scattered cars parked along the curb.

Hiro drove fast, maintaining a rapid pace but ensuring he remained visible enough to be followed.

He tapped his phone and spoke into the Bluetooth, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through him. “Hey, I guess the opponent didn’t know the map well,” Hiro said to Aki who was tracking their position from a different location.

Aki voice crackled through the speaker, “Got it. What’s your plan?”

Hiro didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he focused on the road ahead. As he approached an intersection, he abruptly performed a U-turn, tires screeching as the car pivoted sharply.

The sudden movement throw him back onto the road he had just left, heading straight for the opponent.

The headlights of the enemy vehicle were now approaching from the opposite direction, clearly caught off guard by Hiro’s unexpected return.

Hiro’s feeling a strong urge. As he sped up, moving rapidly back towards the intersection.

In his rearview mirror, Hiro saw the opponent car swerve, trying to correct course but clearly thrown off by the sudden shift.

Hiro caught the opportunity, taking another sharp turn onto a side street and then a quick right into a narrow alleyway.

The narrow alley provided a brief moment of cover as Hiro pulled over and cut his engine, waiting in the silence.


“Do you know, while I was visiting Xingxe, someone unknown also came there? It was probably that Agent Raiden Mei was talking about.”

Katana was deep in thought.

“Someone is watching my apartment right now, Katana. That’s why I brought you here.” Katana looked at Yin and asked, “Why did you call me Katana?”

“From what I can sense, Yang is also gone.” Yin replied, Katana held his hand and asked, “When?”

“When your legacy killed Xingxe.”

“They’ve probably investigating the bomb, Katana. You should hide.”

Yin dropped me off at my place.

I hesitated to go down but went anyway, and his car drove away immediately.

As I entered, I felt something strange. My skin crawled as a cold hand touched my neck.

I turned on the light with my left hand while removing the mysterious man’s hand.

He aimed a gun at me as soon as I removed his hand.

“You’re probably not scared of a gun anymore. But Mei, she looks frightened,” he threatened. I immediately felt he was Agent Raiden.

“Where is the real capsule?” Doctor Bao appeared at my room’s door. What is this?

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