Chapter 28

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All of them enter the white room at the headquarters, Doctor Lin is about to explain the latest information received from Madam Fei.

Katana, who arrived late, glanced at Benelli, Aki, and Hiro.

Out of all the chairs in the room, only three remained.

She remembered that the room used to be full of Hun Si.

“Alright, Madam Fei gave me this information,” Doctor Lin said, pointing to the board as the projector lights up. A picture of the Containment Capsule appears on the screen.

Doctor Lin continued, “The Containment Capsule is a high-tech device designed to securely contain and deploy hazardous substances. Based on design, it is making an effective tool for controlling environments.”

Hiro raised his hand. “How does Libra’s version of the Containment Capsule differ from the standard model?”

Doctor Lin nodded and replied, “Good question, Hiro. While the standard model focuses on containment and environmental control, Libra’s version is engineered for something under the guise of order. It’s designed to create widespread disruption and destruction, and have the ability to release a potent poison or chemical agent to contaminate areas.”

Benelli, who had been silent until now, spoke up, “But why should we prevent Libra from using it? What’s the importance of stopping this particular plan?”

Doctor Lin frowned slightly. “Benelli, the Containment Capsule in Libra’s hands poses a severe threat. It’s not just about the immediate destruction. If Libra deploys this weapon, it would cause widespread contamination. This isn’t just a localized attack—it’s an effort to instill fear and destabilize entire regions.”

Benelli pressed more, “I understand the impact, but what’s the broader consequence of allowing Libra to use it? then, why not stop them now?”

Doctor Lin took a deep breath, “Consider this, if Libra succeeds in using the capsule, they’ll not only achieve their goal of destruction but also demonstrate their capability to destabilize and control. This could set a precedent for future threats, emboldening them and others to use similar methods. By stopping this plan, we not only prevent immediate disaster but also send a message that such actions will not be tolerated, thereby deterring future threats.”

Hiro then said, “I think we understand now, Benelli. Let’s focus on the plan.”

Doctor Lin click his remote. The screen shows the design of building.

“We need to get that Containment Capsule, but this place is fortified. What’s our plan?” Katana asked.

Aki, who had been listening, chimed in, “First, we need to bypass their security systems.”

Doctor Lin continued, “Right, Aki. Fei done some investigation, there’s a blind spot in the cameras on the east side,”

“That’s our entry point.” Aki continued.

Doctor Lin continued, “Right, Aki. I’ll give this mission for Katana, Aki, and Hiro in. Once they head to the control room. Aki will hacked into their network and planted a virus that will disable the internal cameras for 30 minutes. That should give you enough time to locate and retrieve the capsule.”

Hiro responded, “I’ll handle any guards we encounter. What about the Capsule’s location?”

Doctor Lin replied, “It’s in a high-security vault on the top floor. We’ll need to access the elevator system, but it’s controlled by a biometric lock. Aki take care of that.”

Doctor Lin added, “Aki will coordinate the technical aspects and ensure that everything runs smoothly from our end. Hiro and Katana, you’ll be our primary operatives for retrieving the capsule.”

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